Made in America

Made in America by Jamie Deschain Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Made in America by Jamie Deschain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Deschain
hand on her shoulder, she flinches underneath my touch, but I grip tighter to reassure her my contact means nothing more than understanding.
    I’ve been where Raven is before.
    We all have.
    “You’re going to do fine,” I say. “It’s natural to feel nervous. Try not to let it get to you. If you fuck up, it’s okay. I’m not going to bite your head off.”
    “No?” Raven smirks. “I bet you like to bite, though.”
    I clench my teeth together. It takes everything I have in me not to bury my face in her neck and show her just how right she is. I’d nibble her all over if I could. Her neck, her tits, her pussy. She has no idea just how much I enjoy biting.
    “Is that your way of releasing tension? Making naughty comments to see me squirm?”
    She shrugs. “I don’t mind seeing you squirm, Mr. Huffman.”
    I release a long, deep sigh, and guide her forward. “Come on, let’s get you settled in.”
    Pushing her onward, she steps in front and I follow, taking the opportunity to look at her ass as it sways from left to right underneath the fabric of her tight-fitting pencil skirt.
    If I don’t get slapped with a sexual harassment suit before the day’s through, I’ll call it a miracle.
    Then again, something tells me that Raven likes all this attention.
    Good thing for her, I like giving it.
    By the time twelve o’clock rolls around I can physically feel the hunger pangs shooting through my stomach. Normally I eat a hearty breakfast, but with Raven coming in this morning I felt too nervous to keep anything down. Now I’m paying for it by way of starvation, and food is the only thing I can think about.
    I pick up the phone and ring her desk. I realize that in showing her around this morning and popping off the cuff sexual innuendos like they were Pez, I forgot to tell her where I like to have lunch from when I’m in the office to actually eat lunch. Normally I go out, but today I thought it best to stay in for Raven’s sake so she’s not left alone.
    At least that’s what I keep telling myself.
    The phone continues to ring but there’s no answer. Five times. Ten times. “What the hell is she doing?” I mumble, slamming the receiver down. I take a deep breath and compose myself, getting control of my hungry temper before making my way out into the hall. I told her I wouldn’t bite her head off if anything goes wrong, and I meant it.
    But that doesn’t mean I won’t bite the heads off the people crowding around her desk.
    “What’s going on here?” I bark.
    Several junior executives scatter, giving way to Raven, sitting behind her desk with her legs crossed and a glowering expression on her face. One suit in particular catches my attention and I grab it by the shoulder, spinning it around.
    “Alan?” I question.
    “I thought you said he was suspended?” Raven scolds.
    “Relax, Princess, I am. I was just coming in to pick up a few things from my office I left here.” He raises his briefcase to prove his innocence.
    “You should’ve called first, Alan,” I say.
    “What? And miss out on this little display?” He nods toward Raven, who glares up at him like she’s going to walk out any minute now. I can’t let that happen.
    I know he sees her as nothing more than a piece of meat, and the truth is, I did too, at first. But now I realize she’s so much more than that. Not only can she match me comment for comment, but her work this morning has been impeccable. Not at all what I expected. For someone who’s never worked in an office before, especially in an office of this caliber, she catches on quick. Quicker than any assistant I’ve ever had before, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Alan fuck this up.
    “Get out of here, Alan,” I say sternly, making sure Raven sees the dark shadow pass over my face.
    He looks at me, and then back at her.
    “Come on, Grant, you can’t be serious?”
    Taking a step forward, I get in his face and say, “Oh, I’m very serious. You’re

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