Madison Avenue Shoot

Madison Avenue Shoot by Jessica Fletcher Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Madison Avenue Shoot by Jessica Fletcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Fletcher
said, turning back to his audience. “You will see how we took all the experience of our competitors who develop their service in the twentieth century, and we—how you say?—do them better. Permezzo is on the toe to take over the twenty-first-century market to create the premier business service for successful executives, like yourself.”
    He prattled on for a few more minutes, praising his company’s foresight in anticipating and delivering what the sophisticated traveler would need in the new millennium, but when he paused to take a breath, Howerstein jumped in.
    “Thank you, Mr. Tedeschi,” he boomed. “We are all big Permezzo fans here. And it is our goal to make Permezzo a household name in America. How are we going to do that? Well, we’ll start with the commercials we’re going to shoot next week.” He lowered his voice as if giving confidential information. “If any of our distinguished guests have questions for Mr. Tedeschi, we’ll arrange to keep the conference room open as long as you need it following the meeting.” Howerstein shot a smile at Antonio. “Right! Now, let’s go over the scripts and the storyboards. I’m certain Mr. Tedeschi will tell you that what’s key for Permezzo’s success is that the spots we’re about to film go off smoothly.”
    Antonio bobbed his head in agreement and flopped back into his seat.
    The production assistants, carrying trays, circled the table offering everyone bottled water and clearing away our plates from the buffet. For the next twenty minutes, we reviewed the material in the folders, going over sheets of paper that laid out the assignments for each day of shooting, who the crew would be, where the talent—us—was supposed to be at each point in the production, and what our lines were for the commercial. He also explained the storyboard, an illustrated version of the spot, something like a comic book page, giving not just the characters and dialogue but also a rough idea of camera angle, props, and wardrobe.
    Lance raised a hand to get Howerstein’s attention. “I have an important question,” he called out. He poked his assistant, Lena, with his elbow, and pointed his chin toward her pad.
    She quickly picked up her pen and sat with it poised over the paper, ready to take down the conversation verbatim.
    “Yes, Mr. Sevenson?” the producer said, tapping on the face of his watch.
    “Who is going to be directing this illustrious group, and why has he not deigned to attend this meeting?”
    The scratching of Lena’s pen was the only sound in the momentary silence that followed Lance’s query.
    Betsy jumped in before Howerstein could answer. “I can answer that. Our agency, Mindbenders, has selected a prominent Hollywood director, Adam Akmanian. He directed the hit On the Planet Pluto .”
    Grady leaned close to my ear. “These days they’d have to rename it On the Dwarf Planet Pluto ,” he whispered. “It doesn’t qualify as a full planet anymore.”
    The title of the film didn’t strike a bell with me, but then I don’t often get out to a movie theater. The last time must have been several years ago. I do like to read the movie reviews in the newspaper every week. And with cable service I can catch up with the latest films on television, even though it’s a couple of months after they come out.
    Lucy, the production assistant, leaned between Grady and me and asked in a low voice, “Would you like more water?”
    I declined, but Grady took another bottle from her tray.
    When she’d withdrawn, I noticed a folded note in front of Grady. I nudged his arm and pointed to the paper. Grady opened it. “Call me,” it said. He looked over at the producer, who’d been watching him, nodded, and slid the message in his pocket.
    Meanwhile, Betsy rattled off the names of three more movies from the Adam Akmanian canon, but those titles were also unfamiliar to me.
    Grady leaned over again. “I’ve never heard of any of those films. Who is this

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