Magic Parcel
messenger struggling to keep pace. As he passed the startled door guards he flung back his last order.
    â€œCaptain of the Guard,” he shouted, “take ... the ... prisoners ... to ... the guardroom ... I’ll deal ... with them ... later “
    The Captain of the Guard turned out to be the enormous body which had been gripping both their arms as they stood before the king.
    â€œWell then, now, my lads,” came a deep rumble, “you heard what his majesty said. Come along.”
    The two boys turned simultaneously towards the towering guard to see an enormous grin slowly spread across his face, under that huge shiny helmet.
    â€œPC...” Jimmy started but clapped his own warning hand across his mouth before he had had time to say any more. The grin continued to grow until it threatened to swallow the whole of his lower face. Added to this, a distinct twinkle bounced from eye to eye; a twinkle it seemed to Jimmy, which recognised what he had begun to say.
    â€œThis way then,” went on the guard. “We’ll have to wait down here until ...”
    â€œAttention, Captain Mortifer!” a voice cut in as they wound their way downwards along a twisting corridor. That voice stopped the guard in his tracks and jerked his whole body to stiff attention, and for the first time in an age the brothers were released and able to walk normally. But walk they didn’t, for the voice had the same effect, or nearly the same effect, on the boys. It was quiet but authoritative and firm, and as they all stood awaiting instruction, the slight figure of a young boy of about eleven stepped out from behind an enormous oaken chest.
    â€œHighness!” Mortifer said, clicking his heels in salute, and stiffening even more rigidly to attention.
    â€œI will take personal responsibility for the prisoners,” the boy ordered. “You may go about your business.”
    â€œHighness!” the guard answered, saluting once again, turning sharply on his highly polished shoes, and stepping off down a smaller passageway to the left.
    During this time the brothers had neither moved nor spoken, but Tommy, with the disappearance of the guard, had found his usual self and began to speak.
    â€œWho are ...?” he began.
    â€œPlease have the goodness to come this way,” the boy interrupted.
    â€œI was going to say ‘Who are you and where are we?’ but you rudely interrupted me,” Tommy answered with a snort. If there was one thing he couldn’t tolerate, it was rudeness.
    â€œI beg your ...” the boy started with mouth agape, but when he saw the earnest look of annoyance on Tommy’s face, mirrored in the smaller one of his brother, he changed his mind.
    â€œI’m most terribly sorry,” he went on instead. “It was very rude of me not to introduce myself.”
    The brothers chorused a ‘Don’t mention it’ and waved him to continue.
    â€œMy name is Dominic,” the boy went on, “and this is the castle of Oompah, King of the Western Lands of Omni.”
    â€œAnd ... and ...” giggled Jimmy, “was that ... that toad the King ?”
    â€œYes, it was,” Dominic answered, taking his turn now to be somewhat affronted by Jimmy’s rudeness. “Yes, that is my father.”
    That unexpected piece of news stunned the brothers into silence, and covered Jimmy in embarrassment. He thrust his hands deep into his pockets and stared at his shuffling feet whilst muttering an uncomfortable apology.
    â€œDon’t mention it,” Dominic replied. “You weren’t to know. Forget it, and let’s shake on it.”
    They all shook hands and sat down on a nearby bench to talk.
    â€œHe wasn’t always like that,” the prince said slowly, “like a toad, I mean.”
    â€œI was beginning to wonder how you managed to have a ... I mean, how a ...” Jimmy stammered.
    â€œToad came to have a human son?”

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