Make-Believe Marriage

Make-Believe Marriage by Dill Ferreira Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Make-Believe Marriage by Dill Ferreira Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dill Ferreira
that I
doubt that you’ll really go all the way with me. It's just that sometimes I
wish you would break that promise, which seems increasingly crazy. - She
justified herself.
    - If you want it to be
broken, you break it. I do not intend to do so, dear. - He had been sincere and
at that moment, Amanda noticed that their union would materialize no matter
what happened, because she would not have the courage to refuse the good help
of her friend and because he would not break his word. The best option then was
to get used to it and accept that fate for both. She wished only that
everything went as well as possible.
    Oops, sorry... I should be
thanking you every day, and not trying to make you change your mind – she
concluded embarrassed.
    Antônio took her hand and placed
in on his mouth kissing it lightly. His kindness still frightened her, no man
used to help a woman without having ulterior motives, but out of respect for
Antônio, Amanda could not see anything that could benefit him there. He had
never hinted he was interested in her. They were true friends, that's all. The
marriage subject was dropped and then they could talk about their lives for a
long time until Amanda said it was time to go.
    - Thank you for your
company. It was a beautiful day. - She thanked him as he left the door of the
    - Friends and future
married couples are for such things. - He said giving her a kiss on the cheek.
    Amanda took the night to
do a brief analysis of the costs and profits of her store that were returning
her good results and took the chance to check on what sector of her store she
should invest more, since the capital was beginning to grow. The work had taken
so much of her time that she only realized what time it was when the phone
    - Amanda? - asked the old,
familiar voice.
    - Yes, Breno! - She
confirmed tired of all the accounting and of the ex-husband.
    How was your day? I was in
your apartment and you were not there. - He seemed visibly upset by her
    - My day was very good,
thank you – she answered without telling where she had been.
    - Were you out with your
friend? - Breno asked but got no answer, which made him lose the artificial
calm. - You do not think that I believe there is something between you and that
man? - He was determined to spoil the rest of Amanda’s night. She was sure of
it. In fact, that seemed to be the only purpose since he had returned.
    - What you think or do not
think means nothing to me, Breno. - She paused not to utter heavier words to
the father of her child. - Now if you'll excuse me, I need to rest, it's very
late. - Without waiting for an answer she hung up the phone, taking it off the
hook and went to sleep. If someone wanted to talk to her they would have the number
of her mobile phone.
    Amanda arrived at the
store early on Monday since they would have a full day which would not give her
time to waste on frivolities such as her former husband, who certainly would come
looking for her after the call the night before. Breno was bothering her for
days now and insisted blatantly to invite her to dinner and she always refused.
On that day he could witness her lack of time and maybe he would just leave her
    - Don’t you have time to eat,
Amanda? - He had asked the previous week.
    - When I'm hungry I grab anything
to eat, a light snack. - She replied at the time without getting angry.
    But he was not intimidated
and continued pushing. On that particular day she would have a good alibi.
Amanda was surprised he did not call; she was already used to his calls and
even missed them, but then she was thankful for some peace and quiet.
    By late afternoon she had
news of her son which completed her good start of the week. Antônio would be
busy, like her. Amanda then decided not to bother him by sending only a text
message saying that they would talk the following day.

    On Tuesday, for Amanda’s
dissatisfaction, Breno called

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