Make Me

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Book: Make Me by Suzanne Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Steele
before little Miss Reality TV forgets about this romp in the hay.

Chapter Fourteen
    It is a new day at work and I am glad to be back in my element, but in my element or not, I have learned a valuable lesson. Antagonizing a Dom is the same as stirring up the proverbial ‘hornet’s nest.’
    Again, I can’t help but think that if hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, then that goes double for a Dom. I had no idea how sadistic a disrespected Dom could be before last night’s spanking.
    Before last night, I didn’t know a Dom could cut you to the core with just one look. Anyone who has ever felt the wrath of a true Dom won’t soon forget it. I didn’t know that a Dom never forgets details or bad behavior. I didn’t know that with one cold stare he can pull his sub right back in line, but I sure as hell know it now!
    I have learned a lesson that can’t be taught through any amount of research. I feel my face and chest redden at the memory of the night before. I have no intention of getting in David’s way today. The shame and embarrassment of last night will see to that.
    To top it all off, could I really have gotten turned on by it? I push the intrusive thoughts from my head. I hate him right now. I hate him but my body can’t get enough of him. How fucked up is that?

    I know she will go out of her way to avoid me today, but I have other things on my mind. I have a plan I am going to put into motion. It will permit me to accomplish just what I want to accomplish. It will show the world BDSM is not some cool pop culture thing to do, it is a lifestyle. It will also give me the opportunity to set these women straight.
    If Linda thinks I traumatized her, she will be stunned when she sees how shell shocked these little gold digging, social climbing girls are going to be by the time I get through with them.
    These girls made a big mistake when they decided to ride the BDSM popularity wave. I smile to myself as I think. There will be no woman left standing—except for the two I have decided that I am going to have mercy on.
    I look up to see Linda viewing the look on my face as if she is trying to figure out what I am up to. I cock my head to the side and raise a brow as if challenging her and she quickly looks away. She is learning—she is learning something that no amount of research can teach her. She is learning that Doms aren’t just made, they are bred. It isn’t what we do, it’s who we are.
    The control of it all is making my cock hard…

Chapter Fifteen
    I know the girls feel threatened by me and that, in turn, makes me a target. I just don’t give a shit.
    I eye the girl who is pointing an accusing, manicured nail at me as she speaks. “I guess anything goes on this TV show. It looks like we’re going to have to get a little trashier like Barbie here.”
    “If you can’t stand the heat, then get the fuck out of the kitchen. As far as I’m concerned, Kathy, you shouldn’t sign up for a BDSM show when you are a fucking vanilla bean, missionary sex loving bitch like you are,” I counter.
    Kathy stands, with her mouth open and shrieks, “Did you just call me a white girl? What is a vanilla bean?”
    “Point made, dumbass,” I scoff as I walk away. I turn and shout over my shoulder, “Google is your friend, idiot! At least research something about the lifestyle before you come on a show like this. And close your mouth before your flapping jaw drops.”
    I hear David’s chuckle as he comes around the corner and grabs my arm, “We need to talk,” he whispers as he escorts me into his bedroom.
    Seeing the two of us walk away together only solidifies the women’s hatred for me. What they don’t know is being a sub is not equivalent to being a doormat. It is equivalent to being a very strong individual though. If they think for one moment I am intimidated by them ganging up on me, they are sorely mistaken. I couldn’t care any less than I already do about any of these

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