Making Magic
stairs carrying Bailey, who had apparently never seen stairs before. She had a pair of Grace’s yoga pants on, an old pair of sandals she’d found hiding in the closet and a soft purple T-shirt that said “ Real Men Marry Doctors ”. Her hair was clean, but had always been inclined to frizz and was doing so now with gusto. The thought of digging through all the garbage in her car to find her hair products was daunting.
    She set Bailey down at the bottom of the stairs, determined not to become the kind of woman who carried a little dog around in her handbag. She watched as Bailey made a beeline toward the smell of food.
    She heard Grace laugh. “There’s the dog, but where’s the dog rescuer?”
    Thea smiled as she entered the kitchen.
    “And there she is!” Grace announced. She came to Thea with her arms open, her belly leading the way.
    “You sure it’s safe to hug you?” Thea asked as Grace hugged her anyway. “I don’t want that baby to pop out on me.”
    “Hey, we haven’t tried that yet. Maybe we could squeeze her out of you.” A handsome dark-haired man came over to Thea with his hand extended. She recognized him from the photos that Grace had posted online. “Nick McKenzie.”
    “I am so glad to finally meet you in person,” Thea said. She squeaked as he used her hand to pull her into a hug.
    “Same here.”
    Maybe this journey home wasn’t going to be as awkward as she feared it might.
    “I am so sorry I didn’t make it to your wed—”
    “Don’t start with the sorry stuff, Sissy,” Thea felt herself picked up from behind and practically twirled around the kitchen. Bailey started to bark frantically. “Or we’ll be standing here all day and I’m starved.”
    “Oh! Daniel!”
    Ouida laughed. “Danny, don’t! You’ll make her sick!”
    The familiarity of it all brought tears to Thea’s eyes. She clasped her fingers behind Daniel’s neck. “Oh, I’ve missed you so,” she said as he sat her back on her feet and kissed her on the forehead.
    “Ditto, Sissy.” Those dark eyes of his danced as he reached out to pull a short blond woman to his side.
    The woman held out her hand, smiling brightly at Thea. “I’m Mel.”
    Thea pulled her into a hug. “Run while you can.” It was a fake whisper, loud enough for everyone to hear.
    “She already tried that, but I tracked her down,” Daniel said, pulling Mel back under his arm.
    Thea scooped up the dog hovering by her ankles. “Thank you so much for what you did for Bailey. I hardly recognized her.”
    “Bailey! What a wonderful name,” said Mel. “She’s a good girl, aren’t you, Bailey-girl?” Her voice took on a cooing tone as she leaned in to rub Bailey’s head.
    “For you , maybe,” Daniel complained. “It took a heck of a lot of persuasion to get her away from you, Sissy. Mel was the only one she’d let get close.”
    Thea felt her face heat. “I guess my arrival was rather dramatic. I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t know how exhausted I was until the tire—”
    “I told you the whole ‘sorry’ thing would waste valuable eating time,” Daniel complained. “What can I help with, Ouida my love?”
    “Here, carry this in there.” Ouida handed Daniel a carrier containing a huge casserole dish of lasagna. “Now, everyone out of my kitchen! I need to get started on plumping this girl back up before she’s blown away in the next storm.”
    The smell made Thea’s mouth water and her stomach complain as everyone trooped into the dining alcove on the other side of the great room. Daniel shepherded Thea along in front of him as Bailey trotting behind.
    Thea looked around for any sign of the old handyman. “Where’s Eddie?”
    “There’s a place set for him, but he’s out somewhere doing something.” Ouida waved her hand. “And we’re missing Jamie girl.”
    “You remember Jamie?” Grace carefully settled at the head of the table with a soft exhale of air. She grinned and patted her stomach when she

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