[manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man

[manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man by Sandrine Gasq-DIon Read Free Book Online

Book: [manhatten men 2] A Marrying Man by Sandrine Gasq-DIon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandrine Gasq-DIon
alcohol in them?” I asked the baker.
“Why yes, there is a rum cake,” she responded.
My eyes flew to Spencer’s. “Oh no.”
“Valerie?” Spencer picked his daughter up. “Did you eat the funny tasting cake?”
“Uh huh.” Valerie licked her lips. “It was good. You should get that one for the funny talking man.”
“Crap,” Spencer sighed.
“Crap!” Valerie giggled hysterically.
“Maybe you should get her home?” I offered.
“Oh, you’re coming with, Blaine.” Spencer narrowed his eyes at me.
“Me, why?”
“I told you not to feed her sugar.”
I stood up and grabbed my jacket. Spencer put his hand out motioning for me to go.
* * * *
    I peeked around the wall and tried to figure out where the next lethal shot would be coming from. I’d already gotten my ass kicked in ‘Mario Cart’ by an eight year old. I was feeling old. A Nerf dart whizzed by me and I leapt out from my hiding spot, rolling behind the couch. A giggle reverberated around the spacious living room and I crawled to the end of the couch. Spencer sat in his recliner with a crossword puzzle. I cleared my throat and raised my brows at him.
    “Some help here?” I whispered.
“Nope. You’re on your own, McKlintock. Punishment for the sugar rush and impending hangover you gave my daughter.” Spencer grinned at me with a wink.
“I didn’t know it had rum in it!” I whispered louder.
“But you knew about the sugar.” Spencer looked at his watch. “She should be hitting rock bottom within the hour.”
I sighed in exasperation. We’d spent the bulk of the day dragging Valerie through Central Park, got her lunch and took her ice skating. The child was like an Energizer bunny. If only I had that much energy. Now I was here fighting for my life and being hunted by an eight-year
    old. Why couldn’t I just say ‘no’ to Spencer? I yelped as a dart hit me in the ass. I turned to find Valerie grinning at me with her Nerf gun pointed at me.
“I win!” Valerie jumped up and down.
I slumped over on the floor and put my hand up. “I’m dead. You win.”
“Let’s watch cartoons!”
    Valerie grabbed my hand and tried dragging me across the floor. I could barely lift my head much less
    move a leg. I ended up crawling on my hands and knees around the couch then hauling myself up on it. It was suede and soft and I grabbed one of the throw pillows as Valerie grabbed the remote.
    “Let’s watch Pirates of the Caribbean !” Valerie all but squealed.
Spencer chuckled and I eyed him warily. Valerie started the movie and I vaguely remembered watching it a while back. I had a thing for Orlando Bloom.
I swear I shut my eyes for a minute, when I opened them; Spencer was lifting a sleeping Valerie from my arms. I sat up and stretched out my arms and back.
“What time is it?” I whispered.
“Almost eleven.”
Spencer left the room with his daughter and I looked around for my shoes and jacket. I threw my shoes on and looked around the apartment. I realized Spencer’s place was homey. Warm browns and tans throughout the living room were accentuated by a blue area rug and light blue throw pillows.
My mouth felt full of cotton and I hunted out the kitchen. I found a bottle of water in the fridge and shut it, looking around. It screamed a man’s kitchen. Dark red cherry cabinets with stainless steel everywhere. An island separated the dining room and pots and pans dangled above it. I actually liked it.
A lot.
“Why don’t you stay?”
I jumped at Spencer’s deep voice behind me and backed into the counter.
“Oh, well, I shouldn’t. I have work in the morning.”
“You can go in late, can’t you?” Spencer raised his brows at me.
A devilish grinned lifted his beautiful lips and I licked my own. My cock was taking notice of Spencer’s close proximity and I tried to hide it.
I looked around the kitchen nervously. “Well, still need to go in and get some work done. I should, I have this, um, thing I have to do.”
“Do I make

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