Mass Effect: The Complete Novels 4-Book Bundle

Mass Effect: The Complete Novels 4-Book Bundle by Drew Karpyshyn, William C. Dietz Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Mass Effect: The Complete Novels 4-Book Bundle by Drew Karpyshyn, William C. Dietz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Drew Karpyshyn, William C. Dietz
the area beyond empty. They were now standing in a large square room, about twenty meters on each side. The shiny metal walls, ceiling, and reinforced floor made it clear they were now entering the heart of the research facility. Everything had a sleek, modern feel; a sharp contrast to the rough-hewn natural tunnels they had just passed through. There was a hall leading off to the left, and another to the right.
    “I’ve got a blood trail over here,” O’Reilly called out on the left. “Looks fresh.”
    “We follow it,” Anderson decided. “Lee and Shay, set up position here.” He didn’t like splitting up the team, but they didn’t know the layout of the base. He didn’t want any of the mercs doubling around behind them and making it back to the elevator. “Dah, O’Reilly—fall in!”
    Leaving the two privates to guard the only way out, Anderson and the others set off down the hall on the left, moving ever deeper into the research complex. They passed several more intersections, but Anderson wasn’t willing to split his squad up yet again. Instead, the three of them simply followed the blood trail. Along the way they passed a number of rooms, most of them small offices, judging by the desks and personal workstations. Like the dorms on the upper levels, each had been thoroughly ravaged by gunfire. The killing spree that began on the surface had continued unabated underground. And once again the mercs hadn’t been content to leave their victims where they had fallen, but for some inexplicable reason had dragged them off.
    It was five minutes later when they finally came across the source of the blood trail they’d been following. A turian lay facedown on the floor in the middle of a medium-sized room, bleeding profusely from a wound to his leg. Anderson recognized him as one of the mercs who had fled the recent battle. Approaching carefully, he knelt down beside the motionless figure to check for a pulse but found nothing.
    There was only one other exit from the room, another sealed security door off to one side.
    “You think his buddy’s inside there?” Dah asked, using her assault rifle to point to the closed portal.
    “I doubt it,” Anderson replied. “He probably knew we’d be following the blood trail. I bet he ditched this guy at one of those other branches farther back. Probably waited for us to go by then made a mad dash back to the exit.”
    “I hope Shay and Lee are on their toes,” Dah muttered.
    “They can handle him,” Anderson assured her. “I’m more interested in what’s behind this door.”
    “Probably leads to the primary research lab,” O’Reilly guessed. “Maybe we’ll finally get some answers in there.”
    They rolled the dead merc out of the way; there was no sense taking the chance of someone tripping over his body if there was another firefight waiting for them beyond the door. Then, on Anderson’s command, the corporal set to work overriding the security lockdown while the lieutenant and Chief Dah took position for another flash-and-clear operation.
    Dah was the first one through this time, and once again there was nobody on the other side. Nobody alive, anyway.
    “Sweet mother of mercy,” she gasped.
    Anderson stepped into the room and felt his stomach lurch at the gruesome spectacle before him. O’Reilly had been correct; they were standing in an enormous lab dominated by a massive central server. The only way in or out was the door they had just come through, and like the rest of the base every piece of equipment in the room had been blasted beyond all hope of repair.
    But none of that was what had evoked their reactions. At least thirty corpses were strewn about the room, most piled along the walls on either side of the entrance. Their uniforms marked them as Alliance personnel; the guards and researchers killed throughout the other sections of the facility. The mystery of where all the bodies had gone was solved, though Anderson still couldn’t figure out

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