turned out better than she ever would have expected. The women had added a spirit of joy to the Brotherhood that had been missing for a very long time indeed.
Now, she considered the new mates friends. Even sisters. So, Morgan wasn’t all that surprised when Kelly started looking from Morgan to Matt and back again, a mischievous expression on her face.
“So, what gives with you and the hunk?” Lissa finally asked in as quiet a voice as she could manage. Morgan cringed. Matt could probably still hear the question.
“Nothing, Lissa. Just working together, that’s all,” Morgan ground out, hoping Matt was distracted enough by his conversation with the guys that he wasn’t paying attention to the ladies.
“But he’s like you. A cat, I mean. Christy says he turns into a mountain lion,” Kelly whispered.
It struck Morgan oddly, for a moment, that Christy would know more about Matt than the other women, but, then, Matt was said to be closest with Sebastian, Christy’s mate. He’d met Sebastian first, and then, Sebastian had introduced him to the rest of the Brotherhood, and they had come to be friends with him, as well.
“The Redstones are cougar shifters,” Morgan confirmed, trying not to let any of her interest show.
“Oh, come off it.” Lissa nudged Morgan with her elbow. “He’s gorgeous. And a shifter. You should totally jump his bones.” The last was said with a giggle that seemed to attract Matt’s attention. He looked up from the plans and sent Morgan a smile coupled with a knowing wink.
He had heard everything the women said. She just knew it.
Morgan nearly sputtered, looking for something to say, but she was saved from having to answer by the arrival of Christy and Sebastian. Atticus let them in, and the couple went straight to Matt, greeting him with hugs and smiles. Lissa got up to pour wine for everyone, and the gathering soon took on a festive air.
At that point, the ladies got involved in the discussion about the nature trails and what their friend, Sally, could do to help coax the plants in the right direction. It was quickly decided that they should get Sally and her mate to come out to Napa once the trails were laid, so she could work her magic on the forest.
“Sally is part dryad,” Christy announced, taking Morgan by surprise. She hadn’t realized any of the ladies were the least bit magical before joining with their vampire mates. “She always had a way with plants, but she didn’t really find out why until she started hanging out in the forest. Or so she said.”
“That must’ve been interesting,” Morgan replied, hoping to hear more, but willing to let the ladies take the conversation in whatever direction they wished.
Sadly, the conversation turned to other things, and somehow, they started talking about Christy and how she knew Matt best out of all of them. There were some not-so-subtle looks being thrown around between the friends, indicating clearly to Morgan that Matt had more…intimate knowledge of Sebastian’s mate than she might have suspected.
“Sally has the most magic of our small group of friends, but Christy has some mad skills,” Lissa confided. “She can already shapeshift, and she has the agility of a cat, not to mention the martial arts skills. Sensei Hiro has been training all of us, but Christy is really the best at everything. Kelly and I try not to be too jealous.”
“It was necessary,” Kelly said in a sober sort of voice. “You know that. Christy needed it, and Sebastian put her needs before his own in the most selfless act imaginable.” Kelly’s voice was soft and filled with understanding as she reached a hand out to her friend.
Christy took Kelly’s hand and a sad smile passed between them. Morgan wondered what they were referencing, but even though she knew a lot about the Brotherhood and the new mates of her employers and friends, there were many aspects of their lives that they kept—understandably—to themselves.
Morgan had
Gerry Davis, Alison Bingeman