Me & My Boyfriend
too, Black. I want to get inside that brain of yours.” She replied, poking him in the forehead.
    He had revealed a side of himself that she had never seen before last night, and Meesa wanted more, a lot more. Over the course of a couple of weeks, Meesa and Black spent almost every day together. On the days she had classes, he would take her and pick her up. They took walks with each other in the park. Black hated doing corny shit like that, but it made Meesa happy, so he went along with it. He stayed at her place every night. They told each other their past. Finding out that both of their mothers were dead, drew them closer together. Meesa was caught in the rapture that Black gave her. She loved being in his presence. Learning more about him each day was her job. His likes, dislikes, favorite foods, and places he liked to go.
    Two weeks into the friendship, they got around to the rumorsthat had been placed on her. Meesa explained that she did use to use men for their money, but that she had stopped doing those things years ago. She also let it be known that she wasn't a freak. Black believed her after she told him her side of the story. Letting his guard down, he asked Meesa to be his. Joy filled Meesa knowing that Black wanted her to be his woman.
    Meesa loved taking care of Black. Between classes, she cooked meals for him, gave him back rubs, and read to him at night. They had so much in common it was kind of scary. Both enjoying the same music, television shows, foods, games, and books. The only thing they didn't have in common was the fact that Black sold drugs.
    It worried Meesa sick. She constantly feared he would be hurt or killed. Repeatedly, he assured her that nothing was going to happen to him, but she still worried. He tried to explain to her that he would be extra careful. He did tell her though that, in the business he was in, there was some shady niggas. That led Black to do some shady shit too. But what he didn't tell her was that he needed room to be who he was too. The relationship thang was all new to him. And he didn't want to let go of his prior life. Sometimes, Black would tell her that he was taking care of business so he could go and see his other females. Even though he cared for Meesa, he didn't know if he was in love with her. Meesa loved Black from the day she laid eyes on him, but she was afraid to let her feelings show. Not knowing how he would take the news scared her. She knew other females were trying to see him, and she kind of figured he still got down with other chicks. But she didn't have enough evidence to prove it, so she sat back and peeped the scene.
    Over a month had passed, and things between Meesa and Black had already started to change. Sometimes when she paged him, her calls weren't returned, or he would say he would come by and see her, but didn't. Not knowing what to do, she stayed with him anyway. Meesa hoped that things would change, but they only got worse, of course. School was no longer a top priority, Black was. Black felt like he was being smothered. He dug Meesa, but he wasn't into that entire husband and wife shit. Hefelt like Meesa was starting to play house, and he had no time for that. He was young and needed to be free to roam. Meesa expected him to tell her his every move. It was always, where you going, who you wit, when you going to be back, come see me, or some other bullshit. The shit was getting boring. Meesa wasn't a freak, she was homebody. Whatever Meesa wanted, Black wasn't giving it to her.
    One rainy night, Meesa sat alone in her apartment and pondered over their relationship. The shit he was doing was becoming old real quick. If he didn't want her, some other nigga did. Needing to get everything off her chest, she two-wayed him. Twenty minutes passed and still no call. Feeling crazed, she paged him over and over again, hoping he would get the message, but the shit didn't work, he still wouldn't call her back.
    Black was at the Days Inn fucking Brandy's

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