Memoirs of a Timelord

Memoirs of a Timelord by Ralph Rotten Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Memoirs of a Timelord by Ralph Rotten Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ralph Rotten
there in nothingness hoping that my backup systems can keep me alive long enough to figure out how to get back where I came from.
           And that's when I see God.  Or more specifically; Gods.  Don't ask me how I know this; you just feel it, like you're programmed to recognize your manufacturers. I know it makes no do you see something when light hasn't even been invented yet?  Still, it was unmistakable; I was in the presence of the very beings who created our universe.   
           There they were; two newlyweds of cosmic proportions in a sea of nothingness.  Even at this distance I could feel the love between the entities, their energy bathing me like a thousand suns.  There was so much joy, so much happiness, that it wiped out all memory of the world I had come from.  No Pain, no indecision, no fear.  There was only love and desire without end.  It was like this thick, warm blanket that I wanted desperately to wrap myself up in for all eternity.  
           I don't know how long I was there, really I don't.  Coulda been a thousand years for all I knew, but there was no way to tell since time didn't exist yet.  I was stranded there without a temporal tide to carry me home, but I didn't care.  I would have gladly stayed there forever.
           Then they touch like a pair of great gaseous nebulas, and a single spark flies out.  There is such an intense feeling of love and affection for the little burning ember as it flitters about before finally igniting.  My eyes widened as I watched the flame growing bigger unimaginably fast.  As I watch the universe unfold like a tidal wave rushing towards me, I can't help but give a smile of wonderment as creation washed over me in an instant.
           The memory ended there, but its shock and awe left me stunned.  Taking a moment to run it all through my mind I was at a loss for words.  With MoTi the experience is so complete that you have few questions afterwards.  But for me there was just something about the beginning that I didn't understand.
           "Why were you so damned intent on getting back to zero?  It felt like you were rabid for this." I could still remember the almost maniacal feelings that drove him so hard against the temporal flow.
           "Think of it as a midlife crisis." He gave the barest hint of a smile.  "More than a few editors have felt the thirst for knowledge, to know with absolute certainty that there is purpose to our sacrifice.  When I collected that memory I had been a Timelord for twenty-nine of your millennia.  I had done a great many distasteful things in the course of my duties.  All necessary, but these things weigh on your conscience nonetheless.  I was beginning to have doubts; there were questions that even the DuNai could not answer.  And like many before me, I took the plunge.  When I reemerged, I was revitalized in my mission, ready to continue my life's work." Standing up, he gave me a serious look.  It took a minute to realize that while he was imparting the memory, he had cured my hangover too.
           "Come.  We have more students for you to play with."

           My first impression of the new students was a solid WOW!  At least when I saw the guy, anyhow.  Oh wow, oh wow, was he pretty.  Well built, but not like a bodybuilder.  More of a natural fitness, with broad shoulders and thick arms for holding a woman all night.  Oh yeah he was dreamy.
           Then I saw her, the other new student, and my hopes just crashed.  She was beautiful, and I don't just mean pretty.  She was movie-star beautiful, absolutely gorgeous.  It was like we weren't even the same species.  Even if McDreamy was gay, she could turn him back.  That kinda hot.  
           I musta just stopped there in the doorway like an idiot, my jaw hanging open as I realized I had no chance of scoring the hunk with her around.  Not that I'm ugly, or even unpleasant.  I was just

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