Mercy's Angels Box Set

Mercy's Angels Box Set by Kirsty Dallas Read Free Book Online

Book: Mercy's Angels Box Set by Kirsty Dallas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty Dallas
the standard 2.5 kids, dog, the whole cozy deal, I suddenly felt like the failure Marcus had assured me I was. I clenched down my jaw hard, pressing away the tears, the weak and pathetic tears that always came at the most inappropriate times. Like when Rita, BJ and Larry had come to my rescue all those years ago. Even now when I put in my regular ‘I’m okay’ phone call to Rita, her kindness and concern still brought tears to my eyes. Give me anger and violence and not a drop would fall, but kindness got me blubbering within seconds. I couldn’t say anything, so I simply nodded.
    “Door locks from the inside, so don’t worry about anyone walking in on you. There are three showers in the shelter, but this one is the largest. Have you got dry clothes in there?” He nodded to my backpack.
    “Yes,” I growled, the looming sorrow disappearing with irritation. I knew I sounded like an ungrateful brat, after all Jax was only trying to help me, but it pissed me off that he thought I was so inept I couldn’t even scrounge together dry clothes.
    “Soap,” he tried to hand me a clean wrapped cake of soap and I shook my head.
                  “I h-have my own s-soap.” Damn, between the shivering, the effort it took not to cry and being pissed off, I could barely talk.
                  “Well go get cleaned up. When you’re done I’ll be in the kitchen. Just go through the doorway on the other side of the room, turn right and follow the corridor. Kitchen is at the very end. You can’t miss it, it smells amazing.” I simply nodded as Jax strolled away and I backed into the large cubicle behind me, locking the door. It was simple, nothing fancy but again clean. It smelt a little like detergent and bleach. Dumping my bag on the small counter I quickly shed my wet clothes and got under the steaming hot spray. My fingers and toes stung from the sudden rise in temperature. It was a delicious pain, a biting warmth and reminder that I was alive. Suck shit Marcus, Mister I can find a needle in a haystack if I so wish. I smiled at the thought of Marcus’s departing words. Didn’t find me though did you asshole? Once the stinging pain had seeped from my extremities, I dug out my bottle of coconut body wash. I always carried my own toiletries. Living in shelters and share accommodation had taught me that no matter how low on cash I was, I had to have those luxuries. I quickly and efficiently washed. I never lingered under the hot spray of water that wasn’t my own, there were always others who needed that hot water too. I also had no desire to see or feel the scars that covered my arms. They reminded me of my own weakness and just how low I had let my life sink. And the deep ugly scars on my wrists, I hated them most. They reminded me of Marcus, just as he said they would. They were ugly and made me feel ugly. What would a man like Jax think seeing those scars? I bet his beautiful wife had no scars. Stop feeling sorry for yourself Ella. You’re alive and you escaped. You’re better off than most. I didn’t have another jacket. Only long sleeved shirts and a couple of jumpers. But it seemed warm in the shelter and my jacket would be dry enough to wear come morning. I left my hair out, as always, to cover the scar by my eye. I collected up my damp clothes and grabbed my backpack heading off to find the kitchen. Hopefully there was somewhere I could hang my wet clothes.
                  “Hi,” came a little voice from beside me as I stepped out of the shower. He was a little brown haired blue eyed bundle of joy and innocence and as cute as a button. There was no stopping the smile that he brought to my face.
                  “Hi yourself.”             
                  “What were you doing out in the storm?”
                  “Oh, I only just got into town. I didn’t realize there was going to be a storm.” He nodded

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