Messages from the Deep
definitely the most destructive
force on Earth.
    I am the official photographer, so that gives
me a good excuse to poke my lens in the various activities
happening, and to be available for ‘consultation’ when needed,
which is seldom. We prepared very thoroughly for the tasks to be
done on arrival, in order of priority, so it was a pleasure to be
doing them at last.
    What an honour it has felt for me, to be the
first known person on Mars and Earth 2. I say ‘known’ because who
knows what or who once may have lived on either planet ? Here, at
least, there would be a better chance of finding evidence, as the
planet does not appear to have suffered any major catastrophe.
    The first main tasks revolve around
constructing waterproof dwellings, using the local resources,
basically making log cabins with thatched roofs, as only later will
we start making bricks, and then later finding iron ore to smelt
and make more metal tools, equipment etc, besides the basics we
brought with us, like spades, rakes, hammers, saws and knives, and
a 3D printer. There are very strict criteria for mining or even
collecting natural resources. The general idea is that only clay,
sand and stones may be collected, in suitable places, with
excavation not exceeding 1m. Rock with iron ore is to be mined only
as far as replacing essential tools. There will be no other mining,
such as for coal.
    Energy needs must be supplied by, at first,
the solar panels brought from Earth, and then also by natural means
such as wind and water turbines.
    Water is a priority, so finding the best ways
to collect and store water from the nearby river is very
    Further, we need to find an area to develop
fields to grow the crops so crucial to our survival. Luckily, we
have found a spot with natural damming up of the river, from where
we can dig a trench to lead water down to the large, natural field
nearby. Once we have cleared, dug over and fertilised our garden
area, we will lead water down the canal to irrigate the waiting
    Organising our waste disposal without
pollution is next, then setting up the solar panels for our energy
supply and connecting up all our equipment, lights etc.
    We also have to do regular checks on the
levels of oxygen and other gases in the atmosphere, radiation
levels and so on, so the laboratory has to be up and running quite
quickly. As on Mars, we have started off by using the space craft
as our communications and records centre, as everything was there
already and easy to use.

    At the end of most days, especially if the
weather is warm, we head for the beach only one kilometre away, and
have a relaxing swim. One day I was alone, floating on my back in a
small bay, when I became aware of something or someone nearby. I
looked around and saw a dolphin just metres away, looking directly
at me. I was mesmerised as it looked so intently at me, surrounded
by what seemed like a golden aura, shimmering with energy.
    Reflexively, I said ‘hello’ and it actually
piped what sounded like ‘hello’ right back at me ! But then, some
of its pod came by, and they all went off at high speed.
    Naturally, we have Alex, the Marine Biologist
from Plettenberg Bay, as part of our team, who has extensive
experience of cetacean languages and communication on Earth, so he
is obviously interested in these dolphins too. He joined me the
next day to see if the dolphins would return to the small bay. We
had been floating around for a few minutes, calling to each other
both in and above the water, and slapping the surface with our
hands, just as dolphins and whales do sometimes with their flippers
and tails.
    We started to hear clicking and whistling
noises approaching from the deep sea until one dolphin, probably
the one from the previous day, came closer and engaged me as
before. After greeting me with a ‘hello’, it went into a series of
sounds, amazingly like a song, a simple ditty like a children’s
nursery rhyme or a

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