Midsummer Night's Mayhem
problem?” His eyes narrowed as if trying to read her response.
    “Clover is a very private person. She doesn’t want her business being part of the public record,” Vivi countered.
    “I don’t see why you need to look through the house since the crime took place outside. There’s nothing here that links to the crime or to Oliver Yearling,” Derek said, but the sheriff wasn’t budging.
    “I’ll be the judge of that. As you said, guests were mingling around the house and the grounds, so I have to look everywhere. This is a serious matter that deserves a thorough investigation. And your spelled closet is in my path.”
    Clover’s throat went dry, and she went to get a drink of cold water from the tap, scrambling for an idea. “Maybe we can compromise. You could investigate the grounds or maybe some suspects and wait until the case takes shape before looking in the closet. I assure you, it contains my personal property and has nothing to do with Oliver Yearling or his death.” Maybe she could buy a little time.
    “I can back her up. Clover isn’t hiding anything,” Vivi said. “She’d never interfere with your investigation. She values her privacy. You can understand that.”
    “No, actually I can’t. A wizard has been murdered on her property during her party. Privacy just went out the window. Now, I’d like to do this as painlessly as possible.”
    “I can testify to the fact the spell had been activated prior to the party starting. There’s nothing unusual about it. It was put in place for personal security, nothing more,” Derek chimed in, fists clenching at his side. “Clover is an upstanding citizen, great boss, and a witch of good character. What justification do you have to go through her private things? You have no right.” Impatience flared in his voice.
    Lance shot Derek a stern glance. “It doesn’t matter what I think about Ms. Mayhem and her character. This is an investigation, and I have to treat her like I would any other suspect in any case.”
    “Suspect?” Vivi barked. “You can’t be serious!”
    “She’s using a powerful concealment spell. She could be hiding evidence. So, yes, she’s a suspect. I can’t take Derek’s word alone.”
    “I still can’t tell you. It’s my personal property.” Clover stood her ground. There was no way the sheriff, his officers, and magical crime scene spells were going anywhere near her secret stash.
    “We’ve known each other a long time. Why don’t you just tell me? What’s so important?” Lance pushed back his chair and stood.
    “Please, Lance. Give me some time, a few days at least. Just to think things through.”
    “Don’t make this harder than it has to be. If I have to get a warrant, I will. I’d hoped we were on good enough terms that you would cooperate with the investigation.”
    Clover felt the situation spinning out of control. Lance wasn’t going to budge and she couldn’t blame him. He was just doing his job and was caught in the middle. “You’ll need a warrant to get into that closet because I won’t let you in without one.” Clover crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. She was being stubborn, but that too was the Mayhem sister way. There had to be a way around this. She just hadn’t figured it out yet. “I understand you can’t take my word for it and have to look, but I need to wrap my head around everything that’s happened. Please understand that. It’s been a rough morning.” She needed time to think about her next move.
    “I’ll see what I can do. But I assure you the investigation will be moving forward, swiftly.” The sheriff nodded to Vivi before slipping out the back door.
    “What are you going to do now?” Vivi asked.
    “There is only one thing I can do,” Clover said. “I’m going to find out who murdered Oliver Yearling and quickly. I don’t know if it will work, but the only way I can keep my secret safe is to find the real killer. Then Lance won’t have a reason

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