Mind Calm

Mind Calm by Sandy C. Newbigging Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Mind Calm by Sandy C. Newbigging Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy C. Newbigging
Tags: Meditation
permanent presence of your being, to your delight, you can discover that the essence and direct experience of your being is love. This love is beyond the mind and therefore beyond conditions. It is a beautiful peace-filled calm that exists within you. Within everyone! Irrespective of body shape or weight, career success or any other external gauge that you have previously used to determine if you were good enough to be loved. You can deeply know that you are, and meditation can once and for all reveal this undeniable truth.
Benefit 6: Deeply loving relationships
    As within as without, as the gentler, more accepting and loving that you are towards yourself, so naturally you project your inner experience outwards and become gentler, more accepting and loving of the other people in your life too.
    Until you find love within yourself it can put a massive pressure on any relationship, especially intimate ones. If the other person is the source of your love, then there can be an attachment to them being a certain way for you to feel loved. Holding on and grasping can occur as you see them as the source of your love. If they go, so does love. In these sorts of love-dependent relationships, fear is prevalent. One or both parties are scared of the other person leaving and taking their love away. ‘I love you’ is often said, not as a heart-based expression of love, but more for the person saying it to hear it back.
    Relationships are the ultimate mirror. As you criticize yourself less, the less you need to criticize others. The less you judge yourself, the less you judge others. The more harmony you find within, the more harmony you find in your relationships. The more at peace you are within yourself, the less you need to fix, change and manage other people in your life, so that they fit with your ideas, expectations and fear-based needs. You don’t need anyone to ‘complete’ you as you experience yourself as a complete being, lacking nothing.
    Meditation can also cause the old mind-made constructs of separation and dualism to fall away, revealing an experience of oneness. You see that to harm anotherperson is really to harm yourself. The more intimate you become with your Self (the love-filled presence of your being), the more intimate and deeper loving relationships you experience with others.
Benefit 7: Live in the magnificent moment
    There is no such thing as a present-moment thought. Being caught up in your mind entangles you in the Time Trap. You end up thinking about the past and future and miss the magnificent moment you’re in now. But when the attraction to engaging with thoughts and thinking diminishes, you naturally become more aware of now. The more you become consciously aware, the more you become aligned with the aspect of your real Self that is already always present. Better still, you discover that when you are consciously aware of now, you naturally hang out in the inner peace that’s always present within you.
    Thinking takes you into the past and future.
    Meditation brings you back to the here and now.
Benefit 8: Eradicate excessive thinking
    Over time, perhaps ironically, you will see that being present is much more enlivening and appealing than being lost in mind-made stories. You see that when you’re overthinking, you are missing the remarkable reality of now, and caught up in resistance, judgement, attachment, the past and future. More importantly, when you stop trying to fix all the woes of life, you are able to enjoy life and the fixes follow naturally.
    One of the purposes of meditation is to be able to stop thinking and return to present-moment awareness. When you begin a regular meditation practice, you may find that you continue to get caught up in the thinking mind, but as you gain experience, you’ll get bored of the stories and your desire to defend its dramas naturally diminishes.
    Although you may think that the exploits of the mind have been giving meaning to

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