
MinetoChase by Laurann Dohner Read Free Book Online

Book: MinetoChase by Laurann Dohner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurann Dohner
counter for her use.
It touched her that Chase had obviously thought about her needs. He’d also left
folded clean clothes next to it. She eyed the oversized T-shirt and boxers,
assuming they were for her. They hung on her a little due to his size but after
brushing her wet hair, she reentered the bedroom. He hadn’t returned.
    Hunger and curiosity drew her to the bedroom door. She gaped
a little at the thick metal door and the locks on it. She gripped the knob,
half expecting it to be locked, but it opened without difficulty until she
pushed it. The thing was heavy and revealed that instead of just a typical
frame, there were ridges around it as though it could be completely sealed when
    The fact that she hadn’t been locked in implied she wasn’t a
prisoner. It stunned Jasmine a little when she realized she was inside a large
basement as she followed a hallway to an open doorway. She couldn’t remember
seeing any windows in Chase’s bedroom or bathroom.
    A surprise awaited as she realized it wasn’t just another
doorway at the end of the hall but instead there was a door with a wall on the
other side. She pushed the wall, stepped into a basement, and turned to study
the wine racks attached to the front of the wall. The bottles were dusty, as if
they hadn’t been touched in years. When closed, the hallway and bedroom would
be concealed to the casual eye. She glanced around. The basement was large,
appeared old, and a musty scent hung in the air.
    The stairs were solid stone, reminding her of a castle. Part
of her feared she wasn’t in the town where she’d been raised anymore. There was
a black hole in her memory between Chase finding her and reaching his home. Had
he taken her out of the country?
    The door at the top was metal and thick again. It creaked
slightly when she eased it open to peer at a big modern kitchen. Sunlight
streamed through a window. She padded over to look out into dense woods.
    “You shouldn’t be up.”
    The feminine voice startled her. She spun, gaping at the
brunette from the night before whom Chase had claimed to be his sister.
    “I’m Jenny. You’re Jasmine.” She smirked. “I guess ‘J’ names
are popular.”
    “Where is Chase?”
    “He had some business to attend to. He’ll be back in a few
hours.” The woman’s gaze dropped to her waist. “Hungry? I can hear your stomach
    “That’s weird.” Jasmine regretted saying it the moment the
words were out, not wanting to offend.
    “You’ll adjust to keen hearing once you’re fully mated. It
will enhance your senses all around.” Jenny pointed to a table. “Have a seat. I
hope you don’t mind cereal. I don’t cook unless my brother demands it.”
    A hundred questions popped into Jasmine’s head but she
settled for a few while she watched the woman prepare a quick breakfast. “I could
do that myself.”
    “It’s easier if I just do it. You don’t know your way around
the kitchen yet.” Jenny glanced at her. “But you’ll need to learn at some
    “You live here then? Why would Chase tell you to cook? Do
you work for him?”
    “He’s my protector so I do whatever I’m told. It beats
living on the streets and he’s good to me. He isn’t around much but I suppose
that will change now that he has you.” The woman stared at her.
    “Protector?” A few hundred more questions resulted.
    “We were asked to leave our clan. Our mother really loved to
seek out older vampires, the stronger the better, so we got the vamp genes from
them. It made some of the clan nervous, knowing we needed so much blood to
survive. Mates don’t mind you sinking fangs into them, they kind of get off on
it, but they get testy if you drink otherwise. Blood banks weren’t around where
we come from.”
    “Where is that?”
    “A very remote location in Alaska.” Jenny put a bowl of
cereal in front of her. “Eat. Ask Chase your questions.”
    “He’s not here,” Jasmine pointed out.
    “Too bad for your

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