Missing Pieces of My Forever-Heart

Missing Pieces of My Forever-Heart by Janet Grosshandler Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Missing Pieces of My Forever-Heart by Janet Grosshandler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Grosshandler
We’re going to be together the rest of our lives.”
    OK, that was settled.  No matter what happened, Jame and I would be together.  I never loved him more.
    Late March was our Senior Class Trip. A huge group of us went to a ski resort for an all day ski and snow-tubing adventure.  We had rooms available to us to change in, as we got totally soaked and cold from playing in the snow.  It was a bittersweet time because we all knew in a few short months we would be going our separate ways.
    Some of the kids brought booze and pot on the trip so people snuck off all day long to do the “forbidden stuff.”   Jame and I drank a little from Maddie’s flask she stole from home and took off by ourselves for a walk in the woods.  We got hot and heavy despite the layers of winter clothes we had on. And Jame couldn’t take it any more.  
    “Let’s go to a room.  The rest of the kids are at the bonfire.  We’re going to skip it and be together.  Really be together.  I want to be with you tonight.  I brought condoms.”
    I was thrilled, so much in love, a little drunk and so ready to do it with Jame.  We had waited so long.  Tonight was our night!
    We snuck into a darkened room, locked the door, flung off out clothes and jumped into bed.  It was freezing cold but Jame warmed me up quickly and we were psyched that tonight was it!  Father Tim was quickly forgotten.
    Jame put on the condom and things moved fast after that.  I learned that night what it was like to give my virginity to the boy I loved madly forever and ever.  
    It was magic, it hurt a little, and I became a woman that night with the love of my life.  Jame was sweet and considerate and strong and loving.  We were now adults doing adult things and cementing our future.
    When it was over, I felt so happy and blessed that I had a boyfriend like Jame and his “I love you forever” sealed the deal. We were connected for life in every way possible.
    We joined the others at the bonfire and Maddie came over right away.  “You did it, didn’t you?” she demanded to know.
    I couldn’t help the sappy look on my face and she knew. I was in total love with Jame Patterson forever and ever, amen.
    And then we did it some more times in the next few weeks. Sometimes we weren’t that careful.
    I missed my period in late April and my breasts started feeling tender.  It must be a fluke. Maybe that’s what happens when you start being sexually active. I didn’t tell anyone, especially Jame.
    I was accepted to Rutgers University, my number one choice and I did a happy dance around my kitchen!   Jame was offered basketball scholarships to Villanova, Fordham, Rice University in Texas and University of San Diego in California.  He was leaning towards Villanova or Fordham and his father was pushing for Rice.  I hoped Jame could withstand the pressure and choose Fordham that was less than an hour’s train ride from Rutgers.  It seemed our plans were coming together!
    I missed my period in late May and was my skirt starting to feel a little tight?  I tried to ignore the signs but when I rushed to the girls’ bathroom a week before graduation to throw up, I knew I’d better tell Jame. But how?  It would ruin all our plans.  At least he promised me he’d marry me, so I held onto that and prayed things would be all right.
    “Jame, we have to talk,” I told him after school that day.
    “I’m meeting with the Rice University recruiting coach tonight.  He’s coming to my house for a meeting with my Dad and me.  Can we talk tomorrow?”
    Disappointed, I reluctantly agreed but made him promise that tomorrow we would make time.  I went home worried and carrying my burden alone.  I was terrified of what my parents would say. What about college now?  My heart turned inside out.
    Jame called me later so excited.  He and his Dad loved the Rice University coach.  “They offered me a

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