Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)

Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online

Book: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Flowers
everything. The fresh air does a good job of clearing my head. I work up a good sweat and head back to the house.
    I jump into the shower, the warm water relaxing me even further. Standing under the water, I start thinking about the house. I already have explored some of it. There’s not much to it. It is a regular house on steroids. There are a couple doors that are locked. I have been meaning to ask Neeko about them, but he hasn’t been around much.  I haven’t explored the first floor, except the living room. My favorite part of the house is outside—the porch has a swing! I haven’t gotten a chance to swing yet, or to explore the buildings that are in the backyard.
    I walk down to the library, but nobody is in there. It makes me sad that I don’t even know where to start looking for him. A tear drops before I can stop it. I sit down in one of the comfy chairs and lay my head on my knees. We were starting to get so close. I don’t know what I did to make him start pushing me away. I hear someone clear their throat so I look up at the doorway and Neeko is standing there. It seems like it has been forever since I got to look at those gorgeous blue eyes. I run and throw my arms around him. He must think I am crazy. One minute I want him and the next, I am backing away. Maybe that is why he is avoiding me. He has gotten tired of trying to get close. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart. My heart starts beating to the same rhythm as his.
    I regain my composer and pull away, my cheeks turning red. “Sorry.” I step away from him and sit back in the chair. I hide my face, scared of what he is about to say. Is it really over before it even began?
    “What is wrong, and what are you sorry for?”
    “I didn’t mean to do whatever I did to make you not want to be around me.”
    “What are you talking about?!”
    “You have been avoiding me for a week now. I barely see you at all.”
    “Oh, baby. I’m sorry. I have been planning our next date. I didn’t even realize I was abandoning you.”
    “Yes. That is what I was coming to tell you when I found you like this.” He motions to my face. “We are leaving in two days to go on a cruise. I figured you could use a change of scenery.”
    I’m embarrassed and relieved at the same time.


    T rying to find Gabby, I walk into our bedroom. Empty. I walk down the hall to find Derrick. Maybe he knows where she is. When I get near the library, I hear someone crying. I walk to the door and peak in. Gabby is sitting in one of the chairs, crying, her head tucked into her knees. I want to run to her and kiss away her tears, but I don’t know what caused them. I clear my throat and she looks up at me. I figure she would start yelling at me or throw something. Instead, she runs up to me and throws her arms around my neck. She feels so good up against me. I hold her a few seconds and it’s like our bodies have become one. Apologizing, she steps back and her cheeks are flush. She sits back in the chair and hides her face again. I’m stunned. “What is wrong, and why are you sorry?”
    She thinks I have been avoiding her because of something she did. I quickly tell her I have just been busy with planning our next date, which means that I have to quickly come up with a date because I really have been avoiding her. Not because she did anything, but because I would. Being near her makes me want her and I can’t. She is human and I could hurt her. I need answers on how a human can be an Immortal’s mate. It’s never been recorded anywhere so I have no reference on what to do. Are we destined to love each other without actually ever getting to touch?

Chapter 6: Immortal Mate


    I wake up thinking how perfect everything has been since our talk in the library. Maybe I can let him in. I look and see that he’s not in bed. Damn, what time does he get up? I walk to the door and open it. He’s

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