Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)

Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Flowers
him,” I say with as much sarcasm as I can muster.
    “Well, the Oracle...I am not sure what she is or how she came to be...told me to be at that club on that day. It was a day you were there with friends. After I saw you, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. After that, I kept my head in a book to try to figure out why I wanted you so badly. That is when I found out you were, potentially, my mate. I went back to that club every Friday until you came back. When I saw you leave, I thought that I would never see you again.”
    “You have known from the beginning that I was your mate? How could you not tell me that and explain what you were?”
    “You would have run from me! I couldn’t have that. I love you. I have since that first night I laid eyes on you. You are my soul’s other half, and I am not complete unless you are with me. I know you feel it. Please. I am sorry. You know that I would never hurt you.”
    I sighed. “I don’t know what to do or think about all this, but I do know that you won’t hurt me.”
    “I would like to show you something. I am going to flash us somewhere so be ready.” He holds out his hand. I grab it and he flashes us to an ocean view. I see an island with a castle. “Take off your shoes so they don’t get wet.”
    He grabs my hand again and starts to wade in the water toward the island. I am deathly afraid of sharks so I stop and start to step back. “It’s shallow while the tide is out. We can walk all the way there.”
    He pulls my hand and starts to walk again. “Legend has it that a giant named Cormoran once lived on the mount. He used to wade to the island and steal cows and sheep to eat. One night, a local boy named Jack rowed out to the island and dug a deep pit while the giant slept.”
    We step on dry sand and he leads me to a path. “When the sun came up, Jack blew a horn to wake the sleeping giant. The angry giant staggered down the summit and, blinded by the sunlight, fell into the pit and died.”
    He stops and points to a rock. It’s shaped like a heart. “They say that if you stand on this rock, you can still hear the giant’s heartbeat.”
    He grabs my other hand and intertwines our fingers. He pulls me until we are standing on the heart-shaped rock. “If something ever happens to me and we are separated, you can always come here to hear my heartbeat.”
    He lets go of one of my hands and places his hand over my heart. “You will always have me with you. Our hearts beat as one. You are my soul’s other half. I want to show you how beautifully easy it is to be with me.”
    He attacks my mouth like it’s the last drop of water in the desert. The sun has started to come up, showering us in pinks and oranges. It’s so peaceful here. He breaks our kiss and walks us up to the castle. “They do tours here, but we have a few minutes before they start.”
    He walks us in the front door. We walk to a stained glass window. The sun shining through them makes everything appear as a rainbow.
    “Beautiful! What is this place?”
    “St. Michaels in England.”
    “We are in England?! So you can flash anywhere? Why am I not dizzy like the first time?”
    He chuckles. That sound does things to me. “Yes, England. Yes, I can flash anywhere on earth. You are not dizzy because I told you ahead of time so you were ready.”
    “Well, warn me every time then.” I wink and flutter my eyelashes.
    The next thing I know, I am up against the castle wall, his lips on my neck. I close my eyes and moan. This man makes me want to do more than kiss. I grind against him. He stills and growls. Then, suddenly, I feel a breeze on my face. I open my eyes to see him on the complete opposite wall, shaking his head and adjusting himself. He is killing me. I am going to be nothing but one big orgasm if he doesn’t quit doing that.
    I shake off the feeling and began to walk down the hall. There are so many different types of armor. I have no clue where some of them are from. I continue to

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