Mist & Whispers

Mist & Whispers by C.M. Lucas Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Mist & Whispers by C.M. Lucas Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Lucas
Tags: Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy
lantern, but she was alone in the room. The blankets on the floor were suddenly clean and the cobwebs had disappeared.
    Without knowing why, she turned the lantern upside down and opened a panel, revealing a folded piece of parchment.
    She blinked and everything was just as it had been.
    Tim and Michael had found the mechanics for the moving platform and Stephanie was freaking out over a spider crawling up her arm.
    ‘Anya, don’t just stand there, give us a hand or do something useful, will you?’ Michael complained, pulling Anya out of her trance.
    Butterflies filled her tummy and her hands shook as she turned over the lantern. Sure enough, there was a panel on the bottom.
    ‘What are you doing now?’ Michael moaned.
    ‘There’s something in here, I know it,’ she replied, opening the panel.
    There was.
    A folded piece of parchment, looking slightly aged but just as she’d envisioned. She took it out and held it for a moment.   How it could be possible that she had just seen it in her mind? People didn’t really have premonitions – that was just stuff made up for books, TV and crazy people, conning money out of the naive over crystal balls. Surely it was impossible?
    ‘O.M.G,’ Stephanie gasped. ‘Anya! How did you know that was there?’
    She didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell them the truth when she didn’t believe it herself.
    ‘I, er... I spotted the panel when Tim passed it to me. Lucky guess.’ The corner of her mouth twitched nervously.
    ‘Well, what is it?’ Stephanie said.
    Anya opened the parchment.
    With rhyme comes reason so heed these words,
    There’s times and places for lessons learned.
    With my silver ink found here in four,
    These words create a map to more.
    Concealed in wonder six works of gold,
    The greatest story not yet told.
    In the ruins where St Michael ley,
    As the sun greets us for the solstice day.
    But harken, beware, before you endure,
    Once stepped forward, step back no more.
    When through cast eyes on the peacock’s tale,
    Where numbers take mystery and lift the veil.
    The first of one and the start of Many,
    Two hundred and three found in twenty,
    Four is twinned with four in eight,
    And six gives five before too late.
    The next ingress the moonlight brings,
    By Lunaris jewel in time with Kings.
    Then blood that falls upon the words,
    Will show you where to find the third.
    My gold; his name, his own in hand,
    T’was his fall that made him stand.
    Once passed three you’ve taken two,
    A summoning draft you’ll need to brew.
    Cascade into cascading blue,
    And find a way it will for you.
    Amongst the fiery eyes that weep,
    A key concealed in snow and sleet.
    Now half my treasures under wing,
    Yet so much more to thee I bring.
    Ancient rivals remain at peace,
    Amid, a passage – Head due east.
    In the mist a secret lies,
    With one who made a sacrifice.
    With such a wealth a choice must come,
    To leave ahead or battle on.
    If you should wish to find my fifth,
    Look no further than my gift.
    Use your heart and use your head,
    My final one I leave unsaid.
    For those who truly brave the quest,
    Will find the answer in my best.
    ‘It’s a riddle,’ Anya said, showing the parchment to the others.
    ‘I wonder what it all means,’ Stephanie said, her eyes still scanning the page.
    Tim, who looked deep in thought, read, ‘ My silver ink found here in four ... How many of Weaver’s books were found here?’ As Tim’s words permeated Anya’s brain, excitement took over.
    ‘The Weaver! The Weaver wrote this! James found four books here, and this says there’s more – six works of gold! Guys, if we can find these other books, we could save Scott’s!’
    To Anya’s delight, the others all agreed with her. The boys managed to get the chandelier to open, and they came down from the attic with considerably less drama than on the way up. When they got back to their cars, they made a plan of action.
    ‘We’ve got to work out where we’re going first.

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