More Than Chains To Bind

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Book: More Than Chains To Bind by Stevie Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stevie Woods
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
there, there in those very expressive eyes and telling expression; he was letting me see it. He was telling me with everything but words. Everything I'd ever wanted, hoped, dreamed of and prayed for, was mine for the taking. I met his gaze with one of my own, trying to let him see inside my soul, letting him know everything I was, everything I ever wanted to be, was just for him. I knew he understood when the ghost of a smile touched his lips.

Chapter 6
    I thought for a moment I'd blown it when I carelessly mentioned Shalio, but all I saw in Hollis' eyes was curiosity, followed closely by his detailed mental dissection of my statement. A slip of the type I had made would be looked at from every angle and I saw the frustration as Cor'lyn interrupted Hollis' deliberation. I doubt if he'd heard a single word Cor'lyn had said. I suspected that was the reason Cor'lyn picked Hollis out as his first "victim" in his little demonstration. Not that I was worried about Hollis having to fight without any warning; the man could fight in his sleep.
    I think I might owe Cor'lyn for what he did next, though, with perfect timing after my little gaff. The look Cor'lyn gave me; those words he spoke so close to my ear...I could swear I actually saw smoke coming out of Hollis' ears! I decided--no, that's not true, I never made a decision at all--it was just...time; the natural progression of what I felt and what I saw in Hollis. I let down all those walls I had erected. I opened up my heart and soul and I knew he would understand. And, oh Lords, didn't he just. If I'd had the slightest doubt about his feelings for me, it'd just been ground into the dust. He let me see everything as, in the blink of eye, I saw the truth and it warmed my heart. Whatever the future held, at least I had that. Close to my heart I held that truth; the man I loved, loved me.
    I felt the smile tug at my mouth, but I quickly quashed it as I saw Cor'lyn moving back down the line. I knew it would be a mistake to add to the suspicions he already had about Hollis and me. Not that I believed for a moment Cor'lyn had any idea of our emotional attachment, but it was clear he suspected there was some link between us.
    Behind him I saw the guards unlocking the chains of another of the villagers. I couldn't remember his name just then. Guess he was going to be Hollis' opponent. I could see why Cor'lyn had chosen him, though; the man was shorter than Hollis, but he had more bulk. I almost laughed at the idea Cor'lyn thought size mattered. He had a lot to learn, or maybe he just wanted to see if he could psych Hollis out.
    The rest of us were ordered back to the periphery of the arena and then Hollis and the other guy were given swords--I was a bit surprised to see they were wooden until I understood they couldn't have the slaves getting too hurt 'til the time was right, could they? Feeling decidedly trapped, I put it out of my mind and forced myself to relax and watch the display.
    At first, Hollis and his opponent just circled each other, making the odd movement, testing each other out, but Cor'lyn soon got fed up with that and ordered them to get on with it or he'd use the whip on them. As he spoke, one of the guards stepped forward and unhooked the bull-whip from his belt. Cor'lyn had threatened punishments before, but this was the first time we had seen the guards carrying anything other than the liendas.
    I took a careful look at the guards standing at regular intervals with us in the arena and noticed a couple of them sporting whips and the others carried short, thick sticks in holsters on their belts. The guards high up on the platform were carrying the powerful long distance percussion weapons. I could only guess it was a precaution against one of the slaves getting hold of a lienda.
    The fight started in earnest then, and it was obvious Hollis was quite happy brandishing the sword, but he was well versed in the use of various hand-held weapons. He was an expert with

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