kiss on my head.
    “Me too.”
    Maybe we're both
sorry, but for very different reasons.
    He changes the
subject. Back to real life and practicalities.
    “We need to get some
shopping in. Get dressed and we'll hit the big Tesco for a change
then I'll make us a salad for lunch. Get some vitamins back inside
us after the drinking. Besides, the car needs a run, I haven't used
it for over a week.”
    But I need to know one
more thing.
    “Who told you? About
me and Jackson? Was it Nat?”
    I'm surprised.
    “So who was it?”
    “Well Sandy text me
where you were.”
    My stomach squeezes
tightly with hurt.
    “She did?”
    “Yeah, I took Summer
home, due to lack of interest... and I came home. You weren't here.
so I text you. But you didn't answer. Obviously busy, weren't
you...” he says pointedly. “Anyway, I text Sandy and Nat... She
told me you were at the party. She didn't say anything about
Jackson being there though. I thought he was working. It was a big
shock when I found you two in a lip-lock outside the house.”
    I've let Sandy off
temporarily. It would have been nice if she'd told me Mason was
pitching up. Perhaps she thought I was upstairs with Jackson or I'd
left already. I don't know, but it was rather remiss of her. I'll
get to the bottom of that later. I feel she took advantage there.
To get him in her little paws.
    “Right....” I
say, flicking my phone and noticing several texts, two from her.
I'm not in the mood to tackle Sandy yet. I need to calm down a bit
more. Think about it and let it all sink in. I'll read them
    “Maybe you can tell me
how you two happened?” His mouth is a grim line.
    “How we met up or how
many times we did it?” I know I'm fuelling the fire.
    His face is stony.
    “A summary will do.
Spare me the details.”
    I imagine he's
thinking I'm a real slapper right now. He's precious girl buddy
sleeping with his friend and then shagging him as well. But he did
exactly the same with me and Sandy. Although being drunk and having
no memory of it excuses him in his mind, I'm sure.
    I put him straight. I
don't want him to think that way about me.
    “We met in the bar.
Honestly, I didn't sleep with him. I was too upset about you. I
came home to go to bed. But the spider got there first.”
    Bloody spider, it was
his fault. The whole fucking thing.
    “You really didn't sleep with him?”
    “No. Ask him if you
don't believe me. He walked me to the door and left.”
    “Now I'm feeling so fucking bad.”
    It's nice to get my
own back a little.
    We're driving to Tesco
when I pluck up the courage to read my texts.
    There's the one from
him, Mason.
    -where r ya cute
    I snigger...
    I do love his to the
point text lingo. Like I love everything about him, apparently.
    I tell myself to shut
    A couple of texts from
other people, one from my mum, all unimportant, and two from
    - M on his way. Make
yourselves scarce.
    I guess that was my
    - woooo... got him
cornered ;)
    Nothing since.
    I text her back
    - How was it? Hot
    No reply. She should
be at work. Maybe she's busy. I put my phone back in my bag and it
    - Doing a colour job.
Speak later OK.
    We wander around the
supermarket aisles doing the shopping. This is another one of his
good points. He loves getting the shopping in, choosing the food
he'll cook, and finding little bargains that make his face light up
in victory. I'm the designated trolley pusher and he's the goodies
grabber. I wheel along mindlessly in his wake until he declares the
shopping complete. We arrive at the checkout and he starts loading
the stuff on the counter. I sneak a Cadbury's Chocolate Flake
underneath the veg and hope he doesn't notice.
    He does. And gives me
one of his looks. The disapproving type.
    “It's only one little
bar of choccy, for fuck's sake,” I mutter.
    “Yeah, maybe it is,
but they all add up... and I have to lift it.”
    I huff noisily.
    “You know, you're

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