process and some of the plans they had for the renovation, I was toying with empty lighting boxes and watching Anna. Keeping an eye on her was my duty, but it was also quickly becoming a bit of an obsession. I needed to know where she was and that she was safe.
Two of the production guys were standing off to the side going over scheduling notes with her. They had that “I work in television” look about them, dressed all trendy in clothes they couldn't really afford and $200 haircuts. The guy wearing glasses that looked like the kind the military issues during boot camp kept inching closer to her, leaning in and whispering to her. My jaw hurt because I was clenching it so tightly, and I had to keep reminding myself to focus on signs that she was using Influence, not on signs she was flirting. I'd felt a low level of tingling warmth from her most of the day, as though it just flowed out of her constantly while she was interacting with people. When she got excited about something, the temperature climbed a bit and the hairs on my arms stood up. Specs was leaning in against her again, both their heads bent together over a clipboard. It made my temperature rise in a completely different way as I watched them together. I didn't like it, not a bit. I didn't like him, or the way he kept trying to find a way to touch Anna. I sat one of the boxes down just a little too forcefully a nd caught the trio's attention.
“That guy keeps staring at you,” I heard the one I'd dubbed Specs say to Anna. “Do you want me to go have a chat with him?” Oh, I'd like to see him try. Anna laughed, glanced over my way and said sweetly, “Not necessary, Chad. That's Daniel, my boyfriend. He's just being protective. I'll introduce you to hi m at lunch.”
Specs looked back over my way while Anna shuffled some papers, and I may have gone out of my way to puff up my chest a bit and flex my arms more than necessary as I moved another piece of equipment. I know for certain that there was one heck of a grin on my face, especially when he took a step away from Anna's side. Hell yeah, back off, Specs. The girl is spoken for!
Anna's position had her involved with most of the crew on set, and while she marched around taking and giving orders, she seemed to be oozing charm as well as Influence. By the time lunch rolled around, everyone on the set seemed to know her name and have something they wanted to talk about with her. They also knew from the wildfire spread of gossip that she had a boyfriend. We hadn't talked about that at all, but it sure was making my life easier. Anna finally broke away from another cluster of admirers and found her way over to the crate I'd arranged as a makeshift bench under a massive oak tree.
“I'm really sorry about the boyfriend comment,” she whispered, her cheeks pink with embarrassment. “It just popped out of my mouth. I knew I cou ldn't say bodyguard so I just—”
“Hey!” I protested, catching her hand in mine. “I'm not upset. That was the best compliment anyone has ever paid me. It's okay. Come here, sit down, and have lunch with me.”
She slipped onto the crate next to me, her knee brushing mine and I handed out the sandwiches and chips I'd snagged from the commissary tables. I wasn't sure what Anna liked to drink so I'd grabbed two bottles of water and figured I could always go get her something different if she wanted me to.
We sat together, eating our food and enjoying the view of the river below when Anna nudged me with her elbow. “So?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow. “Have I been doing it? I didn't feel anything different, but I've been trying to pay attention to the way people have been reacting to me.”
“Yeah, it's been coming out. More when you get excited about something, or interested. I think you do it subconsciously. We can work on that. There's no harm in it, though, at least not in this setting. Plus it's giving me the chance to try to figure out what sphere you have the most