My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered #1)

My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered #1) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered #1) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
laptop. I can't sew for shit."  
    Aiden gave her a funny look.  
    "I don't think you understand. Being pregnant is a true blessing. Witches can only conceive during the winter solstice, vampires during the spring equinox, shifters at summer solstice and fae during the fall equinox. It's why each equinox and solstice is a huge celebration for us. As each of the four races can only conceive during these times, their children are usually born during a corresponding holiday. Witches are born around the fall equinox; vampires during the long, dark winter solstice; shifters around the spring equinox when most animals are born; and the fae around the summer solstice, at the height of summer when everything is in full bloom. Each race only has a certain time of the year that they are fertile and even then it's not guaranteed that the couple will conceive. After conception only about sixty percent of all pregnancies make it to full term. It's kept our numbers pretty low."  
    There was a sadness in his eyes that she wished she could erase.
    "That must be hard. I'll make sure that I properly 'Ooooh' and 'Aaaah' at the appropriate moments." Meryn promised.
    "You really are anti-social aren't you?"
    "I like the guys and your family. But I don't like being fake or being polite to assholes."  
    Aiden's mouth twitched. "Tomorrow should be interesting."
    "I'll be good. Promise." She looked around. "Where are we?"
    "This is the Council Manor. My father let me know that the council wanted to speak to me this morning at breakfast. He left about a half an hour before we did to let them know we were coming."
    "Is it okay that I go in?" She gawked up at the imposing building. It looked like the Library of Congress. Meryn watched the people walk by their parked car. The men were wearing official looking robes that gaped to reveal pressed and perfectly tailored suits and cravats. The women were visions of gentility in fall-colored full length dresses. She glanced down at her Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle tee-shirt with her hoodie tied haphazardly around her waist. She glared at Aiden. He didn't even seem to notice. Damn the man. She hated sticking out. Aiden straightened his tie and pulled a military type hat from the backseat. Of course, he fit right in with his uniform. He opened his car door.
    "Father said it shouldn't take long, they just want me to look into something. Then we can go explore the city." Aiden took her hand. "Ready?"  
    "I guess so."  
    He kissed her hand before letting it go and then got out of the car. He walked around and scowled down at her as she opened her own door, refusing to wait for him. She stuck her tongue out and he surprised her by laughing. Since he was constantly frowning, it made her feel good that she could make him laugh.
    Meryn appreciated that Aiden took her hand and was leading the way otherwise she knew she would have run into something. The outside of the building was nothing short of amazing, but the inside took her breath away. The stone architecture peaked in rounded archways. The exterior windows tossed rainbows of color on the floors and walls with its stained glass. Statues and old oil paintings decorated the walls. Aiden literally pulled her along as she looked around in childlike wonder. When they turned the corner Meryn gasped.
    "What?" Aiden asked.
    Meryn stared at the statue in front of them.
    "Don't blink. Don't even blink." She whispered.
    "What in the hell are you talking about?" Aiden looked around trying to identify a possible hidden threat.
    "You blink and you're dead." Meryn stared at the two large stone angel statues on either side of a heavy looking wooden door unblinking. Aiden's hand went to his sidearm.
    "Meryn that is just a statue."
    "But what if it isn't? I mean up until this week I didn't think paranormals existed and now you're all over the fucking place. I can't take the chance." Meryn continued to stare at the statue.
    "Why don't I ever understand a word that comes out of

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