lined with trees. Th
e trees look soft from up here, like
tundra grass, billowing in the morning breeze like low-lying clouds. A rocky river rushes along the valley fl oor, shining silver green in the morning light. Looking way far down at that river makes you feel strong and dizzy, both at the same time.
But you can still smell the water, even this far up you can smell it, sharp as gunmetal.
“Wow,” I whisper.
At fi rst we don’t even hear the sound of the car behind us, but when we fi nally do, it don’t matter. Th
e only place to go is
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down, straight down, which would take wings. We’re trapped.
It’s a priest, driving that long, skinny car. Th
e same car
that took Isaac away—same priest, too, I bet. He’s driving slow, like he’s hunting.
“Shoot,” I say, looking down the mountainside.
Shoot . Breathing it out quick, like a bullet.
ey got us now.
e priest pulls up alongside us, but it’s a diff erent priest, a younger one. He pushes the car door wide open and leans over across the seat, chatting like there’s nothing strange about two Eskimo kids trapped on the side of a road in the middle of Indian country. His eyes are empty, blue like the sky. I never seen eyes like that before.
“Enjoying a little walk, boys?” he says.
Bunna nods fast, like guilty people do. Th
e priest smiles.
“Nice day for it,” he says, patting the seat next to him.
Bunna hops right in without a second thought.
“Only one problem”—now he’s frowning—“you boys
missed breakfast, and now you’re about to miss class as well.”
Bunna glances back at me like a trapped animal. I slide into the car next to him and ease the door shut, trying not to look at that priest and his ice-blue eyes.
“I’m sure you just lost track of the time,” he says.
Bunna lets out a small sigh of relief and nods.
We sit there while the car winds its way back down the road, none of us saying a thing. We don’t know how to talk to priests, and this one is humming like it don’t much matter if we even talk or not. I stare out the window, watching the trees 44
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H O W H U N T E R S S U R V I V E / L u k e whip past us like a wall of green and black stone.
“You boys are from the North, aren’t you?” he says, fi nally, tapping the steering wheel with one fi nger.
Neither of us says a word. Bunna looks at him and raises his eyebrows real quick. Yes. We’re from the North, his eyebrows say.
I frown.
“And I bet you’re both seasoned hunters.”
Now he’s looking directly at me, his eyes like chips of pale blue ice.
I turn away, staring at the wall of trees. “Yes,” I say, soft as leaves.
“Good,” he says, his fi nger still tapping the steering wheel.
“You see, the way this works is Sacred Heart School is run largely through volunteer eff ort.” He peers down at Bunna.
Suddenly all I want to do is pull Bunna away fast and say,
“ Listen: we’re not even Catholic.”
But I don’t.
“Do you know what volunteer means?” the priest asks.
Bunna shakes his head. I stare out the window.
e priest’s boney white hand grips that steering wheel, one fi nger still tapping—a long, sharp pointer fi nger.
“Well, it’s like this,” he says. “Th
e Lord gives each of us
talents—each special skills—and he expects us each to use them for others. Th
at’s what we’re doing here—volunteering
our talents for the sake of the school. It’s our way of giving back to God what he has given to us.”
He frowns down into the valley. “Now, me, I’m not much 45
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of a hunter, but I do know a thing or two about carpentry. And Father Mullen—you and your brothers met him last night, I believe? Well, he’s a boxer.