Naughty Nights: A Bad Boy Romance

Naughty Nights: A Bad Boy Romance by Sophie Brooks Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Naughty Nights: A Bad Boy Romance by Sophie Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Brooks
eyes partially closed at his low, husky tone even though he hadn’t made a move to kiss me. Unfortunately.  
    I finally found my voice. “In that case, since you owe me, maybe you could give me a back rub.” I’d gotten the idea from before when he was tracing letters on my back and sending shivers up and down my spine.
    He snorted. “A back rub. Is that what they call it at Happy Acorns? Here in the real world, when a man is alone with a beautiful, partially-dressed woman, we call it a massage. A full-body massage.”  
    While I was still reeling from his erotically charged words, he winked. “Congrats. You just hit on another one of my superpowers.”  
    “You’re that good?” I said, arranging a skeptical look on my face even though every cell of my body was already convinced.
    “Find out for yourself. But there are house rules at this particular massage parlor. I’m going to make your skin sizzle and your muscles melt into pools of bliss. But I do it my way. No back-seat driving.”  
    I gulped, not completely sure what I was getting into. “Okay.”  
    “That’s the best decision you’ve made since you chose pepperoni last night. Go get on the bed. Face down. Robe off.”  
    Luke’s orders made my skin sizzle, just like he’d promised, and he hadn’t even touched me yet. Unbelievable.  
    Turning, I shoved the sheets and covers out of the way. Guess it was a good thing we’d never made the bed. I untied my robe and let it fall from my shoulders. His eyes were on me as I stretched out. I folded my arms up under the pillow and turned my head away from him, letting my hair fan out. I shut my eyes and waited.  
    “Perfect,” he said. “Don’t move.”
    He took his time. I heard him rummaging in the bathroom and then moving around the room. At one point, I felt him right behind me, but then he did something at the small nightstand and then moved away. I wondered how much of this was actually massage prep and how much was just to keep me waiting and wanting. Either way, it was pretty damn effective at getting me hot and bothered.  
    At last, I sensed him at the edge of the bed. When I tried to turn to see him, he put his hand on my head, stilling me. Reluctantly, I stayed put, and after a moment he removed his hand. And then came the unmistakable sound of his zipper being undone. My muscles tensed, and he laughed softly. “I bet you wish you’d faced the other way now.”  
    I heard his jeans drop to the floor, and my imagination happily filled in the visual to go along with the audio. A moment later, his weight shifted the mattress next to my hip. He swung his leg over and straddled me, sitting on my ass. It was a delicious feeling to be pinned down, but it was clear he was being careful not to put too much weight on me.  
    When his hands touched my hair, I flinched. He leaned forward and swept my chestnut strands off my neck. Warm air tickled my throat before I heard his words. “You really need to learn to relax, Darcy. Has anyone ever told you that?”  
    I nodded slightly, though of course, if I’d been alone in my room this morning, I would’ve been perfectly relaxed. And not having nearly as much fun.  
    He kissed my neck and then spoke softly into my ear. “Good thing you have all this luscious hair to cover you if I go too far and leave a mark on your neck.”  
    Sitting upright, he unfastened my bra, letting the straps fall to the side. Light hands stroked over my back where it had been. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him surveying my skin, much like an artist might assess a blank canvas.  
    He reached toward the nightstand and a moment later he was holding a bottle of lotion I recognized from my bathroom. He poured some in his palms and rubbed them together.  
    Strong hands descended on my shoulders. It felt absolutely amazing. I guess I had been pretty stressed with the whole situation today. Waves of tension melted away as he rubbed and kneaded. Of course, a new

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