Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch by Lisette Ashton Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Neighbourhood Watch by Lisette Ashton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisette Ashton
doubt crossed her mind. She glanced sharply at Denise. ‘You don’t think he’d dare, do you?’
    Denise shrugged and lowered her head back to the gaping wetness of Jane’s pussy. She pressed a couple of gentle kisses on the bare flesh above the tops of Jane’s stockings and then ran her tongue up to the pouting labia. ‘He’s
husband, Janey,’ she murmured. ‘I wouldn’t know whether he’d dare or not.’ There was a long, sultry silence as Denise’s tongue pushed into Jane’s sex and struggled against the clenching muscles. Her upper lip pressed heavily against Jane’s clitoris.
    ‘Do you know something I don’t?’ Jane pulled her sex away from Denise’s mouth and sat upright on the bed. Panic clutched her chest like a large and powerful fist. ‘Have you heard something? Or has John been round here and –’
    ‘Jesus, Janey.’ Denise stared at her with disbelief. ‘You’re blowing this out of proportion. You and John have had a row. He’s probably back home now, sulking and wondering where the hell you are.’ She sighed and leered hungrily at the slit of Jane’s sex. She stretched out her fingers and touched the tip of one against Jane’s labia. The contact sent a velvet thrill of excitement through her.
    ‘John’s a dull and boring bloke,’ Denise continued. ‘He doesn’t fulfil your needs. You’ve told me that before. You’ve said he doesn’t even
to fulfil your needs. What would another woman want with him?’
    Jane considered this solemnly. The words contained a grain of truth, but she wondered if Denise was missing something. She supposed that was unlikely. When it came to knowing about husbands who could be described as ‘dull and boring’, Denise was already an expert. Without thinking that the free association might cause offence, Jane asked, ‘Where’s Derek this evening?’
    ‘He’s gone round to his mother’s. He never takes his car when he goes round there. He doesn’t trust the neighbourhood kids near hers not to run a coin down the side. I usually send him out of the house when I go round to Ted and Linda’s. It makes it easier for me to enjoy my night.’
    Jane digested this and tried not to squirm on the black satin sheets. Denise and Derek had an unusual relationship. Denise’s sexual appetites were voracious in the extreme. Conversely, Derek’s sole interest in life seemed to be a pathological obsession with polishing his car. They each enjoyed their pastime. Yet they remained together as man and wife, as though there was nothing untoward in the way they conducted their social lives.
    Jane wasn’t sure if Derek knew about Denise’s frequent and fantastic infidelities, but she sorely envied the woman her freedom to enjoy the fruits of an adventurous private life. The only drawback to this arrangement – the only drawback that Denise had ever mentioned – was that Derek seemed reluctant to give Denise the pregnancy that her body clock currently craved. It was a sensitive topic, a subject that invariably made Denise’s mood plummet, and because it didn’t really concern her, Jane didn’t want to broach the issue this evening.
    ‘You’re going to Ted and Linda’s?’
    ‘They’re having one of their parties.’
    Denise always used the same expression when talking about Ted and Linda’s parties. It was never ‘a party’ or ‘the party’, it was always ‘one of their parties’, as though it differed from every other type of party in the world. And, while Jane had never been to ‘one of their parties’, she had heard enough from Denise to know that the events merited such a distinction.
    Her evening had already been powerfully exciting. From the moment she decided to strip for the entertainment of Tom, through to turning up at Denise’s door and explaining she was horny and not completely satisfied, the gnawing, nagging remainder of an unspent orgasm had lingered in her loins like a tightly bound knot. There had been lots of sexual

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