Never Let Go

Never Let Go by Scarlett Edwards Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Never Let Go by Scarlett Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Edwards
Tags: General Fiction
Spencer’s attention is all on me. I shift in my seat and try to create a little distance. “It’s a damn shame about the cat. Else I’d have come back to see you again.”
    “I’m sure you’ve got plenty to keep you busy,” Katy says, sparing a look at the plastic girl waiting for him. To my surprise, I don’t hear any venom in her words.
    Spencer barks a laugh. “You know me better than I do myself. How’s this one doing?” He reaches over to touch my arm. I jerk away.
    “Still jumpy as always, I see,” he says.
    “I have a name.” I cross my arms.
    “Yes, yes, and I’m sure you’d love to tell me.”
    “Babe, I’m thirsty,” the girl behind Spencer pouts.
    “Hold on.” Spencer waves her off. “I haven’t gotten an answer yet.”
    “What answer?” Katy asks.
    “If you two are coming to my frat party tonight. It’s the first of the year. Going to be a blast.”
    “No,” I huff at exactly the same time as Katy smiles, “Yes.”
    I stare at her in disbelief.
    Spencer laughs. “I’ll leave that for you two to work out.” He winks at Katy. “If you do decide to show up, be sure to bring this one along.”
    “I have a name!” I yell after him, irritated.
    Spencer looks over his shoulder as he holds the café door open. “I know. And I’m sure you’d love to tell me.” He disappears inside.
    “Presumptuous jackass,” I mutter once he’s gone.
    “Oh, he’s not that bad.” I can tell Katy is harboring feelings for him, no matter what she claims. “I told you he has a thing for you.”
    I almost choke on my drink. “What? Are you crazy?”
    “He wouldn’t have come over here to talk to me if he didn’t. He already had me. I’m old news to him.”
    “I still can’t believe you can talk that way about yourself.”
    Katy rolls her eyes. “I told you before. Better me than… her .” Katy’s finger follows the girl Spencer came with as she jolts out of the café and runs to Spencer’s bike. He chases her there and laughs as they drive off together. “ She looks like the type to get her heart broken when he dumps her after she begins to think she’s special.”
    “And you want to set me up like that? Why on earth did you say we’d go to his party?”
    Katy looks at me as if I’m dumb. “Um, because Sigma Pi hosts the biggest parties of the year? What better way to get over Andrew than by hooking up with some other hot guy there?” She winks. “It doesn’t have to be Spencer.”
    “You’re really not coming?” Katy complains. She’s standing in front of the mirror we’d propped up in our room, running her fingers through the extensions she’d just put on. She’s wearing white skinny jeans that show off her butt and a halter top that leaves half her belly bare. She looks hot .
    I, on the other hand, look like a slob. My hair’s up in a messy bun. I don’t have a lick of makeup on, and the gray hoodie I’m wearing is so big it might swallow me whole.
    “No. I told you. I don’t feel like going out tonight.”
    Katy tosses her hair over one shoulder and purses her lips to apply some gloss. “You’re missing out. Everyone’s going to be there. You don’t want to start the year a social outcast, do you?”
    I laugh. “I’m sure skipping one party won’t be that big a deal.”
    “Ah, but you’re underestimating the scope of this party. It’s the social event of the year. It’s the official ‘welcome back’ for all the upperclassmen. It’s going to be wild.”
    “I don’t think anyone’s going to notice I’m not there,” I point out, “if it’s really as big as you think.”
    “Aha! There’s your problem. You’ve got to make yourself visible . Come on—” she tugs on my sleeve, “—all my friends from last year are waiting outside, but I can tell them to go ahead while I help you get dressed. We’ll meet them there.”
    “No, Katy. I’ll go with you next time, I promise. And every time after that.” I shoot her a grin.

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