Never Say Never, Part Three (Second Chance Romance, Book 3)

Never Say Never, Part Three (Second Chance Romance, Book 3) by Melissa Shaw Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Never Say Never, Part Three (Second Chance Romance, Book 3) by Melissa Shaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Shaw
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance
help her get her kids back?  
    Hell, she couldn’t let that sway her decision. She wasn’t some kind of ‘lawyer’ prostitute. He’d just have to accept her decision and if he didn’t like it, he could walk.  
    “Well? What do you say?”  
    Eager much?
    “I’m sorry, Joseph, but I can’t go out with you. I can’t go out with anyone right now. I’m a bit messed up. You heard the story the other day. It’s just not the right time.”  
    Joseph wilted back into the couch cushions and drank deeply from his wine, disappointment radiating off him in waves.  
    “I’m really sorry. We can still be friends, if that’s okay.”  
    “I used to date Chastity,” he blurted it out like she was the priest and her couch was a confessional.  
    “Oh my God. What?!” That was all she needed. Another tie to Chase, another reason to irritate his family.  
    “Yeah, we used to date. It didn’t end well. It’s difficult because I still see her a lot, and I’m honestly not a fan of the friend zone.”  
    Emily finally drank some of the wine and coughed slightly. “How do you still see her?”  
    Joseph wen the color of bricks. “It doesn’t matter. It’s a frustrating place to be, you know? When you care about someone, you can see a future with them, and they can’t see it with you.”  
    Emily didn’t let out the low whistle of astonishment which sat behind her two front teeth.  
    “How did you meet her?”  
    “Who?” Joseph scratched his lined forehead.  
    “Chastity. Who else?” This guy was on vibrate. He squirmed around, ready to jump up at a moment’s notice.  
    “It doesn’t matter. Forget her. She doesn’t matter. That’s all in the past. You don’t have to worry about her getting in the way.”  
    “God, in the way of what exactly?”  
    “Well, of us, of course.”  
    “Joseph, do you hear yourself right now? We met last week. I hardly know you.”  
    “And that’s exactly why we should get closer. Get to know each other. I sense a special connection, don’t you?”  
    Emily put the wine glass down on her stained wood coffee table and silenced Joseph’s nattering with a wave. “Joseph, I am not ready for anything. I just told you that.”  
    “And I made it clear I don’t like the friend zone.”  
    “Then you’d better leave.” She folded her arms. His mysterious connection with Chastity was enough to put her off. Why was he so sketchy on the details, there?  
    “Why can’t we just try? I mean, there’s this heat between us. Don’t you feel it?”  
    “Honestly, I don’t feel anything but confusion and pain these days. You’re a great guy, Joseph, you’re just not the one for me.” There were only so many ways she could let him down. He refused to get the picture.  
    “I’ll make you feel it.” Joseph whipped his specs off and leaned in, sliding a hand around the back of her neck and bringing his lips in for the kill.
    Fuck this.  
    “Get off me!” Emily shoved him in the chest and he hopped backwards. “In what Universe do you think ‘no’ means ‘yes’?”  
    “Oh God, I’m such a fool.” Joseph buried his face in his hands, spilling wine onto the white rug she’d bought a few weeks ago as a housewarming gift to herself.  
    She snatched the glass out of his hand and rammed it down on the coffee table.  
    “I’m sorry, Joseph, but it is time for you to leave. Now.”  
    “All right,” he answered, standing and shrugging his shoulders. “I didn’t mean for it to go this way. I wasn’t trying to force you into anything. I really like you, that’s all. But I’ll leave.” He lingered for a moment – hoping she’d relent and ask him to stay? Dream on.  
    “Thank you. Have a good evening.” She followed him to the door and locked it behind him.  
    Then she sank to the floor and cried until she had no tears left.


    “But if daddy finds out, you’ll get in trouble.” Becci looked from left to right,

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