New Beginnings: The Final Volume

New Beginnings: The Final Volume by Ella Price Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: New Beginnings: The Final Volume by Ella Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Price
not as intolerable now,” she teased.
suppose I am supposed to know your name?” I said trying to keep my tone even.
giggled like it was a big joke. “I am surprised your friends haven’t mentioned me
yet. My name is Maven. I am the one that put you in this little predicament.
Although you are supposed to be at the bottom of an ocean, not in my town.”
remembered Alexander and Dorian mentioning her briefly. She knew the witch that
put the spell on me. “Your town?” I asked condescendingly. There was something
about her that was annoying me.
scowled showing the first sign of anger. “Yes, my town. It became my town when
I got rid of you; and I intend to make sure you disappear for good this time.”
whatever you want to me I don’t care,” I said angrily.
looked at me a little curiously. “You were so much more fun when you had your
scoffed and looked out the window as the car pulled into a huge gated mansion.
I recognized the place, but like everything else I couldn’t place it.
used to be your house, but now it’s mine,” she said amused as she climbed out
of the car.
rolled my eyes and followed her out. I didn’t really know what she wanted with
me. It wasn’t like I could tell her anything. I had no clue who I was let alone
who she was. I followed her into the house. She walked into a huge living room
and I followed.
felt anger surge through me when I saw James was chained to a chair. He looked terrified
when he saw me walk into the room. “What are you doing with James?” I asked
giggled. “I caught him this afternoon. I thought he would make a perfect
addition to my collection.”
can’t have him!” I growled turning to face her.
cackled. “What are you going to do about it? You are nothing but a weak human,”
she spat.
know I won’t let you get away with this,” I said softly.
stepped up closer to me so she was nose to nose with me. “You can’t stop me,”
she countered.
me, and I will find a way,” I growled meeting her gaze.
you like me to handle her?” A woman asked as she stepped into the room.
you remember Nina don’t you. She’s the witch that made you forget everything.”
Maven sounded way too happy to announce it. “Don’t waste your power, Nina. The
boys can handle her,” she said smiling.
werewolves came up beside me and grasped each of my arms. They pulled me over
to a chair and forced me down into the chair. Maven watched them as they tied
me up. She sighed after a few minutes. “You are such a drag like this. I almost
want you to have your memory back.”
give it back to me,” I countered.
laughed and the sound made my anger flare up. I flexed my hands trying to
relax. I couldn’t just start fighting. I would never win. I had to come up with
a plan. I was beginning to really want Maven dead. I had a feeling the other me
wanted her dead as well.
can’t give it back to you. You were too brave, too reckless. When you are like
this you are harmless. I bet you can’t even hurt a fly,” she said amused.
was it. That was my in. She thought I was harmless like this, but I wasn’t. I
was strong. I had proved that when I hit Rick. Defeating her was a possibility.
I would use her arrogance against her. “If you believe that then why are you
bothering me? Why can’t you just let me live my life in peace?”
scoffed. “I will never let you have peace. I will make sure you never forget
who I am!”
have already forgotten,” I countered.
watched me for a second then laughed and wagged her finger at me. “You are
good, but you aren’t that good. I am not stupid Isabella.”
beg to differ,” I said dryly as I leaned back in my chair. The rope around my
wrists was looser than they thought. If I worked at it I would be able to free
my hands.
rushed over to me and slapped me across the face.

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