New Markets - 02

New Markets - 02 by Kevin Rau Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: New Markets - 02 by Kevin Rau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Rau
Tags: Science-Fiction
Wait, your machine hurt more every time more people came in the room.  I wonder if my mindview link registered as more telepathic activity?”
    “Beats me, I’m not a scientist.  Sounds reasonable, I suppose.  Jesus, you actually see what both of us are thinking right now?”
    “You two and Mr. Firre out in the hall.  Oh, and someone cleaning the room above or below us as well.  Sometimes someone else’s appears when they walk by in the hallway or enter the room above or below this one.”
    “So, ah, T.V. screens keep appearing and disappearing in your head?”
    “Right.  Although ‘in my head’ isn’t very accurate.  They appear out where I’m looking.  As in, they get in the way of my eyesight if my eyes are open.”
    “Huh.  That’s, ah, interesting.”  He actually thought it was disturbing, peering into every person’s thoughts.
    “I also hear what you think, Agent Willman.  I’m sorry it’s disturbing to you.  I’m hoping to get used to it enough that I can not react to what other people think.”
    He nodded.  "Now that that is cleared up, I'd like to hear in your words what occurred at the scene with the kidnapper."
    "Do you mean my capturing of the kidnapper, or my mind reading of him, or when I was so rudely interrupted and apparently screamed at everyone and hurt them all?" 
    "Give me a rough overview until the interruption."
    "I was already grumpy, I think you knew that.  When I showed up at the scene they still hadn't caught the guy.  I located him, flew through a window and tried to capture him.  He shot me about ten times while I tried to subdue him, and he knocked me out.  The police tactical squad came in right at that point and must have subdued him.  One of them later said the guy had run out of bullets shooting at me.  When I woke up, I went downstairs, made nice with Agent Danst, and then proceeded to enter the kidnapper's mind to dig out where they held the girl."
    I continued, "I almost had it, I was reviewing his memory of their capture of the girl and driving to their hideout when I somehow got jerked out of his mind.  I've never had that happen before.  All I know at that point is that I blacked out."
    He asked, "Why was the man screaming in terror?"
    I bit my lip.  "I was causing him to be afraid.  He'd already shot me ten times, I wanted him to learn to be afraid so he'd give up the information easier....  Oh."
    "Yeah.  Doh.  I did throw his mental self into what I call his 'fear pool.'  There's a place in everyone's mind that has their various emotions.  I tossed him into the place where he feels fear.  It, ah, kind of gives the person a massive dose of fear.  That might be why Agent Dimmer saw the guy scream as bad as he did."
    Nurse Katie asked, “Why would you do that to a person?  That’s a horrible thing to do.”
    I sheepishly answered, “He already kidnapped a young girl today, and then when I went to capture him he shot me about ten times.  Have you ever been shot ten times?  It hurt like hell.”
    Agent Willman said, "So why did you attack everyone again?"
    "I didn't attack anyone, except maybe the kidnapper in his mind."
    "But everyone said they heard a mental scream, in their words.  You actually caused bloody noses and ears in some people, like Agent Dimmer mentioned."
    Nurse Katie said, “Actually, she did that here as well, when you had that machine on.”
    "I did?"
    "Yes, you did."
    "I wonder if I did that before passing out.  It was quite a shock having my mental link to the kidnapper broken.  Perhaps it occurred when he dragged me far enough away from the guy.  Call Baracco, the paramedic.  He should have been watching.  I bet he could tell you if I screamed when I was right by the guy, or when I was dragged something like fifteen feet away from him."
    "I'll do that."  He walked out of the room, opening his cell phone as he left.  His mindview showed he planned on making the call now.
    Nurse Katie patted my arm

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