New York to Dallas

New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: New York to Dallas by J. D. Robb Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. D. Robb
Tags: english eBooks
have a room locked and bolted from the outside?
    “Were you working two hours ago when the incident took place?”
    “Yes, I was, which is why I didn’t see or hear anything.”
    “That’s too bad because the window behind you has a direct view of the crime scene.” She glanced left. “Is that your office?”
    “That’s right.”
    “Mind if I take a look?”
    “Yes, I’m afraid I do.” He continued to smile, but annoyance slithered through. “My work is sensitive and confidential.”
    “Requiring you to lock it up, from the outside.”
    “Better safe than sorry. Now if that’s all—”
    “You said you live alone.”
    “That’s right.”
    “That’s a lot of food for one person.”
    “Do you think so? But then you’re very thin, aren’t you? Officer Dallas, unless you believe I mugged a couple of people on the street a stone’s throw from my own home, I’d like to get my food put away and get back to work.”
    “I didn’t say a couple of people.”
    He sighed, hugely. “You must have. Now, I’ll show you out.”
    As he came around the counter, walked toward her, she shifted her balance, instinctively laid her hand on the butt of her weapon.
    “Mr. McQueen, I’m wondering why you wouldn’t report a crime, or at the very least contact nine-one-one when a woman was screaming for help.”
    “I told you I didn’t see anything. And if I had, some of us choose not to get involved. Now—”
    “You don’t want to put your hand on me, sir.”
    He held his up in a gesture of peace. “And I don’t want to contact your superior and report this harassment.”
    “I’ll contact my partner downstairs. He’ll come up and you can report us both.” Fergus would kick her ass most likely, but damn it there was something here. So she pushed just a little harder. “And then you can explain what’s behind that door.”
    “Officer Dallas.” His tone, his expression transmitted mild annoyance mixed with reluctant amusement. “Have it your way.”
    His fist rammed fast and hard. She dodged, but the punch glanced off the side of her cheekbone, and her face exploded with pain. The single stumble back gave him the time and space to kick the weapon she drew out of her hand.
    She pivoted, her right hand numb, her face throbbing, swung into a spinning kick, followed it with a back fist. She landed both, would have tapped her communicator for assistance, but caught the glint of a knife.
    Fear coated her throat as she barely evaded the first vicious jab.
    “Scream if you want.” He smiled, but she saw—somehow recognized—the monster behind it. “No one can hear. And your’link, any com devices?” He jabbed again, almost playfully. “They won’t work in here. I’ve got jammers activated. You should have listened to me, Officer Dallas. I gave you every opportunity to leave.”
    He blocked her kick, sliced out with the knife and scored her shoulder.
    He outweighed her, had a longer reach and a weapon. Combat training, she judged, as she used her own to dodge, to weave, to land a blow or two.
    Fergus would contact her, and unable to tag her come looking.
    But she couldn’t depend on backup. All she had was herself.
    “You wanted to see what was in my workroom. I’m going to show you when we’re done. I’ll show you where the bad girls go.”
    She threw a lamp at him. Pitiful, she thought, but it gave her a little room.
    This time when he sliced, she went in low, plowed her fists into his balls, her head into his belly. She felt the knife catch another piece of her, but came up hard with an uppercut, jammed her knee into his already tender crotch.
    She tried a body takedown, and he flung her across the room.
    “That hurt !” Outrage reddened his face, stripped away all amusement. “You skinny bitch, you’re going to pay for that.”
    Her ears rang. Her vision blurred. She thought, no, she’d be damned if she’d die this way. She was going to make goddamn detective.
    She shifted her weight and

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