Night of Nyx (The Nightfall Chronicles 2.5)

Night of Nyx (The Nightfall Chronicles 2.5) by Karpov Kinrade Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Night of Nyx (The Nightfall Chronicles 2.5) by Karpov Kinrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karpov Kinrade
offered help in a time of need." His signal ends. The soldiers turn and disappear around a corner.
    Trix keeps her gun at the ready.
    Nightfall has her hand on the hilt of her sword . "Evie, how did Crixus contact me?" she asks.
    "He hacked your eGlass," says Evie.
    Trix gabs Nightfall's shoulders. "N, you still want to do this? What if their leader doesn't want to listen?"
    "I can be very convincing," Nightfall says.
    "Not if they put a bullet in your head."
    "We have no other choice," Nightfall says.
    "I know, but this… this doesn't feel right."
    "I know." Nightfall taps her eGlass. "Evie, contact them."
    "What shall I say about their two dead men?" Evie asks.
    "Tell them to check their cameras," Nightfall says. "I had nothing to do with it. I seek a peaceful solution."
    "Very well. I've made contact."
    Zorin checks the cameras. Four armored Zeniths enter an elevator, heading towards Nightfall and Trix. So not all the video feeds have been edited.
    "They're on their way," Nightfall says. "Evie, loop the video from here to the room adjacent to the hostages, but keep my feed original. Trix, take position. Be ready for plan B."
    "Okay, N. Be careful." Trix disappears around the corner.
    A moment later, the Zeniths arrive and surround Nightfall, escorting her to an elevator. "Where's the other one?" one of them asks.
    "She left," Nightfall says.
    The elevator stops at the top floor, and the Zeniths lead her to a door at the end of the hall. Zorin checks the other feeds. Trix is in position.
    His eGlass beeps and a text message pops up.
    You have eyes on Trix?
    It's Nightfall.
    TR responds, adjusting his rifle.
    Have eyes on her and the hostages.
    She writes back.
    Don't act without my command. The situation is delicate.
    Done with texting, Zorin speaks through the eGlass. "If it's between you and the hostages, I will choose you."
    The Zeniths open the door and gesture Nightfall to enter. When she does, they leave, closing the door behind them.
    The floor is tiled marble. The room is large, but empty except for the lantern and the man. He sits cross-legged, his back to Nightfall. His breathing is deep and slow. His hair is dark brown and twisted in a ponytail. He stands, his body tall, thick and muscled. Black and gold armor clads his body, but it's not the armor of the others. It's thinner, shaped for his figure. It's the armor of a Knight. As he turns, the light catches his black cape. And Zorin sees the golden raven.
    Nightfall whispers the name, jumping back.
    The King grins. His voice is deep. "You wanted to talk. So let us talk."

    She is so young. Probably his daughter's age. Varian watches her for a moment before speaking. "You wanted to talk. So let us talk."
    She yells into her eGlass. "Trix, get the hostages out, now."
    Varian waits patiently. Nightfall still believes this is about hostages. He finds her naiveté refreshing. This isn't a hardened foe like Nyx. This is just a girl trying to help people. But she cannot go against the Orders without consequences.
    Someone is speaking to her through her eGlass. She responds. "It's Varian. He's here. " She unleashes her silver wings and flies toward the door.
    Varian stands slowly, drawing one of his blades. It extends, turning into a whip. He snaps it forward and it grabs her ankle mid-air, yanking her to the ground with a thud. He does not delight in fighting this girl, but he must. Too much depends on it.
    She manages to untangle herself from the whip and struggles back to her feet. Varian stands, waiting, his whip recoiling back into a sword. His eGlass projects video feed from the fight happening outside these rooms—Trix attempting to rescue the hostages, fighting off Varian's soldiers. "This is your weakness," he says. "Choosing to rescue them."
    Nightfall draws her sword. Her face, even partially covered in a mask, is fierce, silver-blue eyes glowing. "You'd use innocents to lure me? You'd lie to

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