Night Plague: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller

Night Plague: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller by Rowan Rook Read Free Book Online

Book: Night Plague: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller by Rowan Rook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rowan Rook
would progress beyond coldness and paleness. After all, that girl had died over two years ago, and she’d looked plenty able when she’d broken through his window.
    He heaved a bitter laugh and turned away from the glass.
    Normal. Act normal! He paused, practicing his manual breathing one last time, before stepping out into the hall.
    Rain pattered on Merril’s tartan umbrella, sliding off and binding her and Mason in a wet circle. It was a gray, misty morning. He walked quickly to keep pace while his eyes dragged on the sidewalk below.
    Merril frowned. “Are you sure you don’t want anything?”
    Mason shook his head.
    He’d ended up missing breakfast. Hell, he hadn’t even had time to pack a lunch. But it didn’t matter – he wouldn’t be able to hold anything down. Even the thought of food made his stomach clench.
    “Come on, I’ll even give you my Cheetos!” She grinned. “I snuck a bag from the cupboard when Martin wasn’t looking. Well, I won’t give you all of it, but we can split!”
    “No.” He didn’t look up. “Keep your lunch. I’m fine.”
    She stared for a while, trying to catch his eye. When she failed, her hand reached for his. Soft, warm fingers brushed against his wrist before he flinched away and tucked it in his pocket. He couldn’t let her feel how cold it was. She blinked, just staring while her hand returned to her side.
    “Sorry.” He started, before remembering how much she hated empty apologies. “It’s, uh…” He licked his lips and fell silent, throat clenching so tightly it was hard to swallow the air he needed to speak. It didn’t matter – it wasn’t like he could tell her either way. It felt strange, keeping secrets from the one person he shared everything with.
    Her eyes dimmed with disappointment. “Is something wrong?”
    “I’m fine!” He assured, almost too quickly. “Just…tired, that’s all.”
    A brief silence slipped over them and Merril’s eyes returned to the road.
    “T-thanks, though.” He stammered, afraid he’d put her out. “And for sharing the umbrella. I, err…can’t imagine where I left mine.”
    “Hmm.” She passed him a mischievous smirk. “Well, you are quite the bother, and we’re going to be even later if you keep dragging your feet. We’ll have to stop at the store on the way home and pick another up for you. Can’t have you holding me back.”
    He tried to smile. “Y-yeah.”
    Good. He could grab something to clean his carpet with while he was at it. In the meantime, he could only hope Martin didn’t go in his room for any reason. He could come up with an excuse for the broken window, but for the macabre mess on the floor, not so much. He grimaced at the thought.
    Neither Merril nor Martin seemed to notice anything odd aside from his own evasiveness, but he’d flown out the door without time for idle chatter. It was going to be harder when he arrived home with a handful of hours left in the day. At least Martin allowed them to spend their time and meals in their rooms. His brother had abandoned his mother’s tradition of eating at the table several years ago. If he could just make it through the school day…
    He startled, stopping beside Merril as she smiled at the sky. “It stopped raining! Looks like we might have a clear day after all.”
    Mason let his eyes follow hers. A tint of blue peered out between monochrome clouds and brightened the dull horizon. Something else seeped through, too – the sun.
    He tensed. Vampires and sunlight weren’t supposed to mix well, were they? He hesitated, almost afraid it would swelter or melt away to ash, before holding out a hand, away from the umbrella’s shade.
    Nothing happened. The sun felt comfortably warm against his cold skin.
    Heh. How foolish. This was still reality, not one of his fantasy films. He couldn’t help a small chuckle.
    “Eh?” Merril tilted her head.
    “Nothing.” Mason smiled. “It’s just nice to finally see some sun

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