
Nightpeople by Anthony Eaton Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Nightpeople by Anthony Eaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Eaton
was gentle as he eased her back into a sitting position and held a water-skin to her lips. Saria drank long, the water tepid against the back of her throat. When she finished, she wiped a sleeve across her mouth and the old man sat back on his haunches and surveyed her closely.
    â€˜You’ve gotta be careful with them little ‘uns.’
    His voice was hardly more than a whisper. He was being careful not to wake Dariand.
    He opened his left hand. There, sitting quietly on his palm, was the insect.
    â€˜These fellas. You gotta watch yourself. These blokes are much closer to the land than us bigfellas. You go in too deep and you’ll feel the Shifting, and that’s real bad pain.’
    â€˜The Shifting?’
    Dreamer Gaardi nodded. ‘How long have you been reaching, girl?’
    â€˜Touchin’ land spirits. Just like you were doing then.’
    â€˜I … don’t know … As long as I can remember.’
    â€˜Yeah?’ The old man raised an eyebrow in surprise. ‘What else have you reached into?’
    â€˜Lizards, mainly.’
    â€˜When I can find them. I tried to reach a dog once.’
    â€˜Phah!’ Dreamer Gaardi spat. ‘Those bastards’ll bite you any way they can.’
    â€˜I know.’
    â€˜Listen …’ He leaned closer. ‘Don’t go telling anyone that you can do this, eh? Especially not him.’ Dreamer Gaardi nodded towards Dariand.
    â€˜Why not?’
    â€˜Young ‘uns like you shouldn’t be able to feel the land. You don’t know it well enough to read it properly. And girls aren’t supposed to be able to reach at all. It’s not your business. Being able to do this means that you’re different from most people. It gives you power, eh? There are people around who aren’t gonna be too happy to discover that a little tacker like yourself has it.’
    â€˜You mean Dariand?’
    â€˜Nah. He’s got a better landsense than most, but even he can’t reach and touch the land spirits like you just did. You don’t want to tell him because you shouldn’t be letting anyone at all know you can do it.’
    Saria’s eyes narrowed.
    â€˜Are you saying I shouldn’t do it any more?’
    â€˜You gotta listen more carefully, girl.’ Dreamer Gaardi took her chin gently between the fingers of his free hand. ‘There’s people in these Darklands who have a lot of hope ridin’ on you. You’re special, and this just makes you even more so. There’s never been a girl before who could feel the land. Ever. Especially not with these little fellas.’ He held up the insect. ‘That’s gotta mean somethin’, right? But it’s a serious business. There are things you need to learn to do it right, and people who’ll want to use you for their own bad business when you do.’
    â€˜Will you teach me? How to do it right?’
    The old man’s face crinkled into a broad smile.
    â€˜Nah, girl. From the way you woke me up then, it feels like you already got more power in you than there ever was in this old bloke. Dreamer Wanji’ll help you with it when we get back to Woormra. ‘Til then you just be careful, alright?’
    â€˜I’ll try.’
    â€˜Good girl. Now get back to sleep and don’t tell anyone about this.’
    Saria crawled back to her sleeping place, her head still pounding. The last thing she noticed before she fell asleep was Dreamer Gaardi still sitting on the other side of the bush holding the insect close to his face.

    â€˜Wake up, girl!’
    Dariand was shaking her, and groggily Saria crawled out from under the bush. It was twilight, the vault above already deep purple on its way to black and the first vaultlights shining brightly above.
    â€˜Here.’ The usual mouthful of warm water and tough dried meat. ‘While you’re

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