Nillium Neems
do for him was strangle him, steal his key and lab coat, and walk
out of Atrium disguised as an undersized doctor. But I’d feel bad
about it since he was so nice).
    "You’d better sit down," I said to him at
last. "This is going to take a while..."
    Then I told him everything,
my Snoopy Cap on my head all the while, giving me courage. I told
him about Mousy, Derrick, The Hooded Man, the mysterious hole in
the wall in my old room, everything . I saved Peabody’s murder
at the hands of the Killer for last.
    I don’t know if Hammy believed me at all,
but he at least listened to what I said and actually seemed to
think on it. That made me happy. Hammy is a really nice man and I’m
glad he doesn’t listen to the Monsters.
    "I need some time to think over what you’ve
told me, Nil." He said once I’d concluded. Not the best response I
could have hoped for, but it was enough.
    "How long? This room is getting pretty
    "I’m... not sure. You’ve given me an awful
lot to think on. I want to test some of it for myself to verify its
    I nodded. That was fair enough. As long as
he gave me a chance, that was all I could ask for.
    "Any progress getting me back to my old
    Hammy’s expression darkened and he shook his
    "I’m trying, I really am Nil. But if it’s
even possible, I believe it will take some little time. Perhaps
what you’ve told me might help, if I can find a way to use it. But
I’ve got to go. I’m ostensibly down here to check on your health
and if I take too long, they might get suspicious."
    He turned to leave.
    He stopped but didn’t turn.
    "Why? Why are you doing this for me?"
    He was silent for a good half minute.
    "Because I’m not a monster," he said quietly
and left, closing the door gently behind him.
    For the first time I have a friend on my
side. He wasn’t strong, nor big, nor particularly impressive
looking. He suffered from the unfortunate name of Flagham and was
surrounded by hateful coworkers. But he was my friend and the first
I had aside from Mousy. This has been one of the happiest days of
my life.
    Nil, Out!

    Day 37
    Since Hammy gave me my Snoopy Cap back, I
have been wearing it constantly, even while sleeping. This morning
I woke up after another dreamless night, to find small mushrooms
sprouting from the floor all around me. I hopped out of bed to
investigate, careful not to step on any of them. It then occurred
to me that perhaps this room would have a host of its own strange
    I knelt beside one of the thicker patches of
mushrooms, thinking they were cute at first. Pale brown and green,
slightly pointy, they reminded me of those little mushrooms you eat
all the time in Chinese takeout.
    I gently poked one out of curiosity and the
cap that was its head swiveled slowly around to face me. And a face
it was, a tiny human countenance, twisted in a bizarre expression
of outrage. I screamed, thoroughly freaked out, and started
stomping on the monstrous little things.
    They began to shriek in high pitched voices,
the noise hitting a crescendo of pure sound that rocked me on my
feet. It was an eerie sort of wailing, that spoke of pain, fury,
and sadness. Stopping my assault, I retreated to the safety of my
little cot.
    The noise lessened but did not dissipate,
continuing on a much lower level that worked its way deep into my
being, severely disturbing me. I shut my eyes and tried to block it
out. After a while, I mostly managed to. Until I met Siegfried that
    I first became aware of him when I heard his
gentlemanly introduction beside me, as he spoke in a thick British
accent. I opened my eyes to see him sitting beside me. The fact
that he was an oversized slug alarmed me not at all.
    He didn’t really have any hands (being a
slug) so I gave him a pat in lieu of a handshake.
    "Nice to meet you, Siegfried. I’m Nillium
Neems. What’s up with all the little mushroom guys?"
    "Don’t fret about the Mushrooms,"

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