No Mercy
    Adriana paled.  She looked sick and embarrassed. And I felt like a shit.  She wasn’t dating?  I mean we had an understanding.  I didn’t force her to come visit me or anything.  I just thought we were having a good time.  Then another thought filled my brain. Had the girl become addicted to me?  According to everything I knew about my species, it could happen.  I was well aware of the problem.  But I’d been careful.  At least I thought I had.  A quick look at Luke and he arched a brow at me in question. I turned back to the two girls wondering how this was going to play out.  More importantly, I needed to figure out a way to distance myself from Adriana in the future so the effects, if there were some, would wear off. 
    Color began to fill Adriana’s face. “Well, if we are just putting it out there.  Why don’t you tell everyone about that actor’s poster you have hanging on your wall next to the door?  The one that looks like Luke here,” she said holding out a hand in the guy’s direction.  “The one you kiss everyday on your way out of your room.”
    Trying to hold back a laugh, I saw Luke face drain of color. “The guy’s hot.  So what if Luke looks like him,” Adelina countered.
    “You didn’t put his poster up until after you met Luke.  And not to mention you only date blond blue eyed guys now like you are looking for a substitute.”
    The girls stepped to each other and what seemed funny for a second was going nuclear.
    “Wow,” Sara said loudly, bringing all of our attention on her. “It’s freaky.  I mean. You two are twins right.” She didn’t bother to wait for an answer.  The two girls looked enough alike for that not to be obvious.  “And you are like an angel with spunk,” she said pointing to Adriana.  “And you,” she said pointing to Adelina, “are like hell’s spawn.”
    Luke laughed, head thrown back and all.  Even Adriana giggled.  I bit back a laugh while watching Adelina turn beet red.
    My curiosity was seriously piqued about who Sara was and more importantly what she was.  Somehow, I didn’t believe she was a human.  Not just human at least.
    Luke came into the kitchen and walked into Sara, leaning over her back to reach the Johnnie Walker.  Before he peeled himself off her, he whispered in her ear. “I think I like you very much too.”  His eye caught mine before he stepped back.  Sara winked at me. Had we all just agreed to something?  Demon or not, this girl was something.

    Chapter Eight – Luke
    Flynn’s announcement that he was hosting a party tonight was well timed and it averted a catastrophe. I couldn’t have been more grateful for the diversion.  The thought of Adelina obsessing over a picture that looked like me, made me want to hurl.  Hopefully, I could get lost in a sea of people tonight if more than the shifters would be coming.  There were quite a bit of people who lived on and around the lake year round.  So there should be a good turnout.
    Sara turned out to be more than a diversion tactician. “Maybe we should go and get the drinks and possibly snacks?” she asked.
    Adriana, who looked happy with any reason to leave after her sister called her out, said, “I’ll go with.”
    Sara turned to the girl, “You aren’t twenty one.”
    Adriana winked at her. “That isn’t the only way to get what you want.”  Her voice and demeanor had all gone innocent school girl with a bit of eye action that said she knew exactly how to get what she wanted.
    “Oh, I think that could work,” Sara said winking at her. If she was conning us somehow, she was doing a great job of making us comfortable with her.
    Yet, I wasn’t reading any bad vibes from the girl but I couldn’t be certain. “You two aren’t leaving me,” Adelina pouted.  And I was surprised.  I thought for sure after what happened, she’d want to stay behind.  But

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