North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost

North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet Read Free Book Online

Book: North Pole City Tales 02 - The Heart of Frost by Charlie Cochet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlie Cochet
they came, but he wasn’t as jolly as many believed him to be. Not when it came to running North Pole City and his Rein Dears.
    All nine Rein Dears were ace pilots, top of their class, handsome, charming, and generally good elves, even if some of them were a little loose with their affections, like Vixen. Each one had been handpicked by Kringle himself, and no endorsement came with more clout than that of an enchanted spirit. Their helpers, on the other hand, had less than desirable reputations, but everyone was willing to turn a blind eye if it kept the Rein Dears happy.
    “There’s the bastard,” Hollis growled.
    “Who?” Jack followed Hollis’ narrowed gaze to a small group of rowdy helpers, one of whom Jack recognized.
    Jack couldn’t help but notice the way Hollis all but spat the name out. “Oh. His resignation was unfortunate, but within his rights. Rudy doesn’t want to force anyone to work for him who doesn’t want to be there. I would hardly go as far as to say he’s a bastard for it.”
    “Really? After everything he said to Rudy? You’re too forgiving, Jack.”
    “Hollis,” Vale hissed, shaking his head in warning, a warning that went unheeded.
    “I mean, after all those years of loyal service in such a prestigious position, to go spew vitriol at someone who had supposedly been his hero? I wouldn’t have been as kind. Not if he’d talked to my lover that way.”
    Jack’s glass slammed against the counter. “In what way?” The moment Hollis took a step back, his eyes wide as saucers, his mouth hanging open, it became clear his cousin had believed him aware of the situation. “In what way?” Jack demanded, aware of Vale gulping down the contents of his drink.
    “Well, it was very unpleasant. Maybe we should keep it at that.”
    “I want to know what was said.”
    “Why, Jack?” Vale asked, his hand going to Jack’s shoulder. “What’s the point? That was almost six months ago. Fig resigned, Rudy has a fantastic new mechanic who accepts him for who he is, why rock the boat now?”
    “He has a right to know,” Hollis insisted.
    Vale turned to his brother with a look of disbelief. “And what about poor Rudy? You think he really wants to relive that whole sordid affair? He’s over it. Let him move on for Holly’s sake.”
    Sordid affair? Over it? How horrible had this mess with Fig been, that Rudy would suffer from Jack’s knowing, and why wouldn’t Rudy have told him? There was nothing they didn’t share. A part of him was hurt, but his rational side told him why Rudy hadn’t said a thing. He wouldn’t have wanted to upset Jack. Bah humbug to that. Isn’t that what couples did? Share the good and the bad? If Rudy hurt, Jack would rather be hurting with him than be blissfully ignorant and content.
    Jack reached over and grabbed Hollis by the collar, forcing him to sit on the empty stool in front of him. “I want to know every word that was said.”
    “Well, a good deal of it is conjecture. There were so many whispers and rumors from helpers who had supposedly overheard the argument. Who knows how much of it is true.”
    “I’m losing patience,” Jack growled.
    “Right.” As Hollis recounted every horrid word that was said, every slur concerning Jack and Rudy’s intimate lives, every sordid, filthy accusation, every ghastly name Rudy had been called, Jack was left speechless. He stood for a moment, uncertain of how to react. Anger was obviously the first emotion that came to mind, but when he thought further on it, he found himself feeling somewhat… numb. He slowly sat down, an unfamiliar emotion constricting his throat and chest.
    “Jack?” Vale was at his side immediately. “Jack, talk to us.” When he received no reply, Vale asked the bartender for a pitcher of icy water and a couple of glasses, one of which he filled and put in Jack’s hand. “Have a drink.” Dazedly Jack did, before blinking a few times and looking up at his cousins, their stunned

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