Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9)

Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
there has been no danger.” Heloise pointed out.
    “We will just go to a few stores.” Nat agreed.
    How could both women be so intelligent in science and lack the basic understanding of danger or self-preservation? Tomorrow would be a hard day for him. He would have to keep both females safe while he worried the whole time. Security was not his specialty, it was part of Morelan’s but he couldn’t tell with the way he’d just put the ladies in danger with his suggestion.
    “I will accompany you and we will have guards.” Norvir said.
    “Okay, they can carry our bags.” Heloise suggested with a huge grin.
    Norvir felt bad about the whole plan, but the females insisted on going. When they left to go to their own rooms, he walked his female to her door. Norvir leaned in, inhaling her wonderful scent before claiming her soft luscious lips with his own. His demon roared to be set free, but he dared not do it. A kiss was one thing, but to claim his female without permission, was another. A shiver ran over him and he felt the same from her. Norvir pulled back, it was that or lose control completely.
    “Sleep well, Nat.” He whispered before he turned and hurried to his room. A good night’s sleep was needed so he would be alert the next morning. It was a surprise when he readied himself for bed, and fell asleep immediately.
    The blaring alarm woke him and he remembered what today would bring. Norvir groaned and covered his head with a pillow but with his super senses, he could still hear the alarm. Dragging his reluctant ass out of bed, he turned off the alarm and began to get ready to face his day. Once he hit the private dining room, he had accepted what he had to do. It still didn’t make him happy with Morelan.
    When he saw the sumptuous breakfast laid out on the table, he decided to forgive his cousin. The ladies weren’t there yet, but Norvir and Morelan were starved, so they both ate something to get them through until Nat and Heloise got there. Their demons were hungry beasts, their male sides were too. They had eaten a full plate of food by the time the ladies joined them.
    “Thanks for waiting for us.” Heloise snarked. Nat just laughed.
    “There is plenty for you.” Morelan observed.
    Norvir and Morelan, who had stood when the ladies entered the room, helped them seat before sitting themselves. “Have you decided which stores you wish to visit?” Norvir asked.
    “Yes, they have a wing with stores that have clothing and beauty needs. That’s a must do. If there is time, they also have a store with art, such as paintings, handmade dishes, and other things.”
    “I will escort you and two guards will follow us for protection.” Norvir directed.
    “Sure, whatever you say boss.” Heloise said.
    They were getting used to her sarcasm so they ignored it. Everyone finished breakfast and Norvir and Morelan had their cups of crue. “What is that you two are drinking?” Nat asked.
    “It is crue. The males of our planet drink it like many from Earth drink coffee.” Norvir explained.
    “I want a taste.” Nat demanded.
    “It is bitter and strong. Most females don’t like it, some males don’t either.”
    “Hand me your cup. I’ll just taste a little.” Nat took the smallest taste and her mouth wrinkled up. She spit into a napkin. “That was horrible. How can you stand it?”
    “We enjoy strong flavors. I told you females don’t like it.”
    “Why don’t we go to the space station now?” Heloise asked. “I’m glad I didn’t try that shit.”
    “Yes, we’ll go now.” Norvir agreed. He got up and led the way to the door holding it open for them. Morelan walked up to him too. “You’re not coming. You’ve done enough.”
    “I thought you forgave me?”
    “You are forgiven, but all is not forgotten. Who knows what you might suggest next?”
    “What if I promise not to make any suggestions?”
    “We will see you when we return.” Norvir said firmly. Morelan hung his head, but Norvir

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