Not Quite Terran Part 5 (Scifi Alien Romance Serial)

Not Quite Terran Part 5 (Scifi Alien Romance Serial) by Erin Tate Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Not Quite Terran Part 5 (Scifi Alien Romance Serial) by Erin Tate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Tate
Tags: scifi romance
to the training grounds if you six don’t come for a meal in the near future.”
    Zentri stuttered for a moment, stumbling over his words. “But… I… We…”
    “The appropriate response is ‘okay,’” she supplied.
    He swallowed hard. “Okay.”
    “Good,” she nodded. “Then I would like to be alone with Karru for a while. You can tell them he’s awake, but I do not want any medical personnel in here for at least a full zentic. They can monitor, but no one steps through that door unless it’s you or one of our brothers.”
    Zentri shuddered when she referred to him as her sibling, but quickly recovered and nodded his agreement. “Of course, Jho— Rebecca. And what about Takkol?”
    She sighed and raised her eyebrows in a question for Karru. Honestly, if they sent him out an airlock, she’d be overjoyed, but she didn’t think that would be an option.
    Karru mimicked her sound. “Tell your brothers he can no longer run into any ‘doors.’ Rebecca and I will render our judgment once we have been married.”
    “Yes.” Karru’s affirmation was immediate. “You should research the topic in the Terran databases. I would like each of you to stand witness for Rebecca and me.”
    And that was… perfect.
    * * *
    Another dress, but at least this one was of her own choosing. There was no fashion advisor or other male poking and prodding at her closet. No, it was a simple matter of going to a shop—her brothers in tow—and selecting a garment she liked. It was long, long enough to just brush the ground, and was a delicate fall of fabric down her body. There was no skintight constriction, but a freedom of movement she wasn’t used to. The body wasn’t designed to highlight her markings that proclaimed her as the Jhoari G’Zeri of Palia, mate of Jhoari C’Hali of Palia, and the neck carefully exposed only a hint of her cleavage. It was almost chaste in its design, but so very perfect for her.
    And white. She had a Terran mother and grew up knowing Terran customs despite not being raised by her own people. Even orphans had dreams, and hers included a delicate white gown.
    Kia slowly made her way toward Rebecca, the lithe body carefully traversing the maze of bodies and furniture that crowded the room. Despite their attempt at keeping things quiet, many of those brought from Palia were in attendance. Some wore disgruntled frowns, not appreciating her plans while others were visibly relieved at the idea of having Karru in a position of power. They knew Rebecca had many experiences and knowledge that could benefit Palia, but it was Karru who had a lifetime of ties to the empire. Their coming together was a perfect blending of old and new. She knew their road would be bumpy at first, but truly believed they could serve Palia well.
    Her friend paused beside her and Rebecca noted the graceful woman drew more than one male set of eyes. This new agreement with the federation was expanding Palia’s reach and it seemed the men were more than happy to engage with other races. Several seemed to have their eyes on Kia already. She knew if any one of the warriors decided they wanted to wrap Kia in a bundle of cotton, they’d be in for a painful surprise. In all honesty, she kinda wished she would be there to see it. Alas, as soon as the wedding was done, the treaty signed with the federation, and Takkol sentenced, they’d be heading home.
    “Is this what you wish, Rebecca Varda?” Kia’s voice was soft and lyrical.
    A low rumble came from one of Rebecca’s brothers who stood nearby. The sound was low, barely audible, but the threat was clear. It seemed now that she’d acknowledged them, they were truly acting like brothers. That included an overwhelming protectiveness.
    Her friend slowly and carefully drew her attention from Rebecca and focused on Rebecca’s brother Dechan. “You have something you wish to say?”
    Ouch. Rebecca knew that tone. Knew what would immediately follow if he wasn’t

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