Not Without My Sister
in India, but Dad told me it was too expensive and he was needed for the radio show. He suggested instead I make a tape for them. I sang my favourite
Music with Meaning
songs and jingles while shaking a tambourine. When I forgot the words, Solomon Touchstone was there to coach me. I also quoted Mo Quotes and Bible verses. At the end I told Kristina and David that I loved them and to be "good witnesses for Jesus."

Before saying goodbye I said, "If I don't see you here, then I'll see you in the Millennium."

This was Dad's favourite line when I would talk about missing my family. He always said, "You'll see them again soon, if not here on earth, then in the Millennium."
    The end of the world was going to happen any day and it would not be long before we would all be together forever. Whatever my dad said was true. He knew everything. He was also very important, as I discovered one evening we all gathered together for a big celebration. It was the anniversary of
Music with Meaning
and I was beaming with pride when I learned that we were going to honor Simon Peter—my dad!—as the founder of the show. Mo had declared it "Simon Peter's Day." I don't think my father could believe that this was happening and that he and his work was being recognized by the prophet himself. In a glowing letter Mo had even called him Saint Simon Peter.

Adoringly, I stayed by Dad's side the entire evening. When the "birthday" cake was brought out, Paul passed an envelope to Dad with a large sum of money. "Simon, this is for you, to spend in any way you like, along with a full week's holiday. It's your just reward for your hard work in the Lord's service. As you sow, so shall you reap. Praise the Lord."
There was a further reward to mark that auspicious event. Everyone got a three-day holiday. Of course they were all delighted with Dad and crowded around congratulating him and thanking him. He glowed in their praise and I glowed in his reflected glory as I stood beside him, hanging on to him and gazing up at him—my dad.

After our three-day family holiday Dad took Serena, who was eight months pregnant, to the island of Patmos for his special week's holiday while I stayed back with Silas and Endureth and my friends Renee and Daniella. When Dad returned, he showed me the pictures they took on their trip.
    "We rode on a donkey. It was really bumpy, and I was sore after that for a few days." He chuckled.

"What else did you do?" I asked, wanting to know every detail of what he had done without me.
"Well, we went into the cave where the Apostle John received the Book of Revelations. Just think, it was the very place where he received in visions the final events before the End of the World!"

A few weeks later, on June 2, 1981, my half-sister, Juliana, was born in a little Greek hospital in Rafina. I couldn't *ait to see her. Solomon Touchstone drove up to the house, with Dad and Serena in the back of the car. The door opened and there was a cute little baby girl in Serena's arms, with her eyes shut tight.

Excited, I asked, "Can I hold her?"

"Sure," Serena replied. "Be careful."

She placed the baby in my arms gently. I thought she was like a little doll as I lifted her up. But as I did, her head hit the car door and the poor thing let out a mad cry.
"Oops," I said, upset. Serena quickly took her from my arms and comforted her. She didn't tell me off though, which was reassuring.

Dad gave me a hug and we all went into the house. "What's her name?" I asked.

"We're calling her Juliana Faithful," Dad said. I was so happy to have a baby sister. I watched as Serena changed the baby's nappies and nursed her. I even tried to nurse her myself—and got a few purple hickeys as a result. But because of the age gap between us, after the initial excitement of having a new baby sister, I saw her and Mariana rarely, except for Sundays. I preferred to spend time playing with Renee and Daniella. I was never jealous of our new addition to our family. I was Dad's

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