Now or Never

Now or Never by A.J. Bennett Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Now or Never by A.J. Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Bennett
Tags: english eBooks
she walked over to the fridge. She pulled the lemonade out and poured them both a drink. It was tart and cold, just the way she liked it. The smell from the pizza cooking soon filled the room, and both of their stomachs rumbled at the same time. They broke into laughter. Just like old times.
    Okay, so maybe having a twin wasn’t that bad .
    “So what was the straw that broke the camel’s back? Why did you finally leave that loser?”
    Grayson looked down at the floor. She wasn’t about to tell her sister the truth, she didn’t need Luna to get arrested for assault. She just shrugged, “It just wasn’t working out anymore.”
    “Did he hurt you? Because I swear I will string him up by his testicles if he did.”
    Called it , Grayson thought, thankful that she didn’t tell Luna the real story.
    “No, it’s nothing like that. I was just sick of his jealousy.”
    “Hmm. I’m just glad you left him. He changed you, and not in a good way.”
    Grayson could tell Luna wasn’t buying her jealousy story, but glad she didn’t harp on it.
    “Well, it’s behind me now. One of my stupid mistakes; live and learn and all that shit.” Grayson knew her sister had questions, but she didn’t want to talk about Josh or her life back in Arizona. She changed the subject. “Where are we going tonight?”
    “There’s a bar near the hotels by the mall called The Trap. It’s where the guys who are only in town for a short time hang out. Usually under two weeks in town. Great place to have a fling, trust me.” Luna gave one of her wicked grins.
    “Well that’s a lovely name, The Trap.” It sounded rather ominous to her, but she’d learned long ago that it was pointless to argue with her sister. Every time Luna had a bright idea, she dragged Grayson with her, willingly or kicking and screaming.
    Grayson mulled the idea over in her head. Truth be told, she’d always wondered what it would be like to have a one-night stand. Hell, she’d never had sex with anyone other than Josh. Maybe it was time to broaden her horizons.
    Slowly, she nodded. “Okay. I’m sure it will be fun. We haven’t hung out in forever.”
    “Oh, it will be fun alright,” Luna said while doing one of her famous happy “I got my way” dances.
    Something told Grayson she would probably regret going, but what the hell?
    They sat in the living room eating pizza and catching up for the rest of the afternoon. When Luna made her way to the bathroom, Grayson pulled out the sleeve that was cutting into her leg and shoved it under the chair cushion.
    Just in case.


    Luna pulled the car into a gravel parking lot behind a building that looked more like a log cabin than a bar. A neon sign above the door announced, “The Trap”—the R flickered in and out of animation. Several people waited in line to get inside, and the music was so loud it could be heard from the car.
    Pulling down the visor, Luna applied mascara and then offered it to Grayson, who just shook her head. Sighing, Luna tossed it back into her purse. “Remember, walk in like you own the damn place. Head up, shoulders back, and make eye contact.”
    Grayson rolled her eyes. Her sister was so dramatic. “This isn’t a movie.”
    “Seriously, no one knows who you are,” Luna said, fluffing her hair in the rearview mirror. “These people don’t need to know you’re a nerdy bookworm who wouldn’t know a good time if it bit her in the ass.”
    Grayson glared at her, but Luna just smiled sweetly and went on, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life little sister.”
    Grayson had to laugh at that. She’d thought the same thing on the long drive from Arizona. She really did need to turn over a new leaf, which was why she’d agreed to this in the first place. Glancing back at the bar, Grayson took in a deep breath. Here she was, about to walk into a bar full of soldiers, and she might even take one home. Josh would have been pissed. The thought of making Josh pissed only

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