Obsession (Sons of Judah MC Book 2)

Obsession (Sons of Judah MC Book 2) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Obsession (Sons of Judah MC Book 2) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
should have listened to Marco’s suggestion, Brandon didn’t pay any attention to him. Now, what was the point of keeping him here when he didn’t want to be here? “I…have to be elsewhere.”
    “Your priorities are way out of whack. What’s more important than this?” Brandon barked.
    “My wife, it seems,” said Ned, as he walked into the room. Looking every inch the expensive lawyer that he was, he wore a black suit and carried a handmade leather briefcase, which he placed on the desk as he took a chair and studied Marco. “Our dear friend Marco has been stabbing me behind the back while I’ve been busy busting my ass for you.”
    “What the fuck are you talking about?” said Brandon.
    Ned waved a hand. The Rolex that gleamed on his wrist was far more expensive than anything Marco owned. How could Stacy find him attractive when she had been with Ned? But at least he cared about her and wouldn’t ever cheat on her. “Ask him. He has been dating my wife, and while I have told him to back off, he hasn’t listened to a word I said.”
    “Stop following us around.” Marco realized that Ned didn’t stop shadowing them. The thought of him watching while they strolled about town and spent time with each other made him sick. He wanted to walk over and beat the crap out of this guy, but of course, there wasn’t much he could do right in front of his boss. He would have to swallow this humiliation and pretend these barbs didn’t make him miserable. “And she isn’t your wife. You’ve been divorced for six months.”
    “I want her back,” said Ned. “The divorce was a mistake. It shouldn’t have happened. I only agreed to it to make her happy, but really, I never wanted to leave her. She is the love of my life.”
    Marco didn’t think that statement was true. If he truly believed that Ned cared for her, then he might have made an effort to step away and give them another chance. After all, he couldn’t give her all the amenities that Ned could shower on her. She deserved the good things in life, and Marco wouldn’t ever be in a position to give them to her. But he knew Ned and was quite aware that the man wouldn’t change his ways for Stacy. He would cheat on her again and break her heart.
    “You don’t deserve her.”
    “Neither do you. If you don’t step away from her, I am going to break your fucking legs.”
    Marco strode over. For a moment, he forget where he was and what they were doing here. All he saw was the man who was trying to break-up his relationship, and he didn’t like that. “Just try, you fucker. I would like to see you attempt that.”
    Simon came in between them before Marco could get to Ned. “Hey, hey, hey. What’s going on here? We’re not here to fight like kids.”
    “It isn’t often that someone manages to rile up Marco. Usually he is calm as a cucumber,” said Brandon in an amused voice.
    “I haven’t done anything to him. He is the one poaching on my territory,” said Ned.
    “Shut up, you asshole. Show some respect,” thundered Marco. He was really pissed off. The man was talking about Stacy as if she was a piece of property.
    “Oh dear, someone has it bad.” Ned stood. “Listen, jerk, I don’t care if you have wet dreams about her every night. I don’t care if you’re hot for her. I want you to keep your big ass far away from her.”
    “I’m going to break his nose,” muttered Marco as he pushed Simon so that he could get to Ned. “Let me go.”
    “Calm down, man,” whispered Simon. “He is a jerk, but you’re not. Don’t give him more ammunition against you.”
    Seeing the expression on his friend’s face, Marco felt a little ashamed. Sure, Ned was a bastard, but Marco was better than him. He took a deep breath and stepped away. “I am fine. I am fine.”
    Turning his back on them, he looked at the wall. Marco forced himself to relax. He didn’t want to make

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