On the Road: (Vagabonds Book 2) (New Adult Rock Star Romance)

On the Road: (Vagabonds Book 2) (New Adult Rock Star Romance) by Jade C. Jamison Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: On the Road: (Vagabonds Book 2) (New Adult Rock Star Romance) by Jade C. Jamison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade C. Jamison
reap the rewards.  You do what I say and when I say it and you’ll be huge.”  There were those promises again, the words that locked me in and sold me.  The fame, the promise of being a star, kept me roped in.
    “Rule number one.  If I tell you to be somewhere, you’d better be there.  Lateness is not an option.”  His eyes slid to the side until Barbie was in his sights.  “Do we understand, Ms. Bennett?”
    “Yes, sir,” she said, a giggle tittering on the edge of her lips, but the cold, calculating look in his eyes kept her from actually laughing out loud.
    He blinked once and then continued.  “You do not have a curfew, okay?  You can do what you want during your down hours, but do not get arrested and keep your nose clean.  No matter what’s going on, be ready to report at eleven AM—or earlier if the itinerary calls for it.  I don’t care what you do or who you do it with, so long as you’re ready for whatever I have planned by eleven the next day.”
    He took a deep breath before continuing. “Rule number two.  You will get forty dollars each day.  I don’t care what you do with it, but do not ask me for more money than that.  You can use it to eat or…do whatever else you see fit, but it had better last you throughout the day.  That amount will decrease on days when I purchase a group meal—like today.
    “Rule number three.  If you damage something, such as a hotel room or something in the car or a piece of equipment, it will come out of your pay.  Yes, you will have more money coming when we return from tour and are able to calculate actual earnings based on sales, but any damages you incur will be deducted from that pay.
    “Rule number four.”  Jesus.  Talk about feeling self-important.  How long was this going to go on?  I sensed that my bandmates were growing impatient as well, but we were a captive audience.  “If we have an interview, you will attend it.  You will not say anything negative about the band or anyone associated with it.  You will remain positive.
    “Rule number five.  Until I am able to secure education for you, you will make time to study online.  I don’t care what you do or how you do it, but find math problems, science studies, literature to read, and current events, and study your little hearts out.”
    Liz had the balls to ask, “So when do we start studying formally?”
    Peter cocked an eyebrow.  “I’m waiting on books and some other supplies.  I hope to get them soon.”  I wasn’t going to interrupt and grill him although my common sense alarm bells were blaring.  How the hell could books be delivered to him when we were on the road with no permanent address?  He was so full of shit.  I could almost smell the crap fumes across the table—they were thick and deep.
    “Rule number six.  Take good care of your instruments and equipment.  Rule number seven.  Remember that your job isn’t just to play well.  It is to intrigue your audience’s imagination.  It is to entice other young girls to want to be you.  Play up on your strengths and remember that sexiness is one of those attributes.
    “Rule number eight.  If you feel the need to indulge your appetites—no matter what those appetites might be—make sure that they don’t interfere with our goals here.  You are all connected to each other.  If Ms. Summers fucks up, for example,” he said, giving me a glare, and I wasn’t quite sure why, “you all fuck up.  If one of you screws up a song on stage, you all screw it up.  If Ms. Cambridge makes a fan feel like a million bucks, you’ve all done it.
    “Rule number nine.  If I text, you answer.  If I call, you answer.  If I knock, you open the damn door.
    “Oh, last but not least.  Rule number ten.  In my absence, Mr. Curtis is the boss and what he says goes.  Capisce ?”
    We all responded by repeating the phrase he so loved.  But then Barbie had to push it.  “That enough rules, chief?  There gonna be a

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