One Week Girlfriend part 1

One Week Girlfriend part 1 by Monica Murphy Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: One Week Girlfriend part 1 by Monica Murphy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Murphy
gladly escaped right after the meal, claiming I was tired from midterms and all those papers I had to write, which was a complete lie since I don’t go to college. Drew pled the same case. We both went back to the guesthouse and to our respective rooms. I’d been so tired I thought I would instantly fall asleep but I didn’t. I laid awake for over an hour, thinking about Drew and the crazy family dynamics he has going on here.
    My phone beeps and I glance at the screen.
    At a restaurant at Sixth and Ocean. I need to get out of here. I’ll wait outside for you .
    Looks like I need to go rescue my fake boyfriend from his overbearing father.
    The moment I see her, I let go of the ball of anxiety rolling around in my chest with a deep, cleansing breath. I wait outside the restaurant, telling Dad I needed to use the phone, when really I just wanted to wait for Fable.
    And get away from him.
    She’s smiling at me as she approaches, her blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail, revealing her rounded cheeks, her pert nose and her rosebud lips. The more I look at her, the prettier I think she is. Though not just pretty…
    Fable’s hot. Sexy as hell with a fine body that I’ve seen in various stages of undress since we’ve been staying at the guesthouse. I caught her in a towel this morning when she snuck out of the bathroom and darted across the hall into her room. She didn’t even see me.
    But I saw her. All that creamy, dewy bared skin on display that made me want to chase after her. Haul her in close and feel her wrap around me. Tangle my fingers into her wet hair and tug, bringing her mouth to mine…
    Holy shit. Just remembering that sets my skin on fire. I try my damnedest to keep everyone at arm’s length, especially girls, but Fable’s already getting under my skin and making me want.
    Wearing skintight jeans and an oversized black sweater, she looks good enough to eat. And I never think like that. Ever. She’s making me think and feel things that are somehow both uncomfortable and freeing.
    In other words, Fable leaves me in a constant state of confusion.
    “Here I am.” She stops just in front of me, her head coming only to my chest, she’s so short. I could scoop her up, toss her over my shoulder and carry her out of here, no problem. “Ready to rescue you.”
    Code word marshmallow hasn’t been used yet, so I’m pleased at how fast she comes to me. Not that my dad is being particularly bad or yelling. He just won’t stop asking me questions about my future. Stuff I can’t answer because I have no clue what’s going to happen.
    I finally couldn’t take it anymore and texted marshmallow when I made a bathroom escape.
    Now here she was. Ready to whisk me away.
    “Thanks for showing up.”
    “Is he being hard on you?”
    “No, I just…don’t want to answer all of his questions.”
    “Oh.” That one single non-word is loaded with all sorts of questions itself. None I can answer either.
    “Did you like looking at all the stores?” That’s what girls did. Shop, spend money, though I don’t think Fable really has much to spend. Well, she did if she wanted to blow that money I gave her, but I know she’s saving it to take care of her brother.
    The noble barmaid named Fable. Sounds like a story out of a modern fairytale.
    “The shops here are way too expensive for my taste.” She wrinkles her nose, which is cute as hell. “I can’t afford to look inside, let alone think about buying anything. I’m not really a shopper anyway.”
    So what does she like to do besides hang out at the beach? I know nothing about this girl. What I do know, I don’t much understand. We’re complete and total opposites in pretty much every way.
    “What do you like to do then? During your off time?” She stares at me strangely and I feel like an idiot. “You know, like hobbies or whatever.”
    She bursts out laughing. “I don’t have time for hobbies. I used to like to read.”

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