One Wish

One Wish by Robyn Carr Read Free Book Online

Book: One Wish by Robyn Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Carr
grabbed her hand and pulled her along a path that she knew led to the edge of the lookout because she could hear the deafening sound of crashing waves. When the path crested she stepped back with sudden anxiety. The waves looked like mountains as they crashed against the rocks.
    “God,” she said, but only God could have heard her above that noise.
    “Come on,” he said. “They’re about a hundred feet in some places, some of the biggest waves in the world. We can get closer. It’s safe.”
    She shook her head. “I can see just fine!”
    She put her hands around her mouth and shouted in his ear. “I can see fine!”
    He laughed. He put his mouth close to her ear. “It’s safe. Look, there’s a stone wall. Not like we’ll slide off. I can see from here that it’s dry. I want to get a couple of pictures with my phone.”
    It was a very low stone wall, about knee-high. She shook her head. A lot.
    “Is it scary, Grace?” he asked, shouting.
    She nodded.
    “I’ll go check,” he yelled. He let go of her hand and walked along the path closer to the edge. Waves rose above the level of the ground she stood on, but they crashed to the surf below. The path began to wind downward, which gave her no peace of mind and she hung back. She wasn’t sure of herself on high cliffs over rocky shores facing off with hundred-foot waves. Troy continued on, of course.
    The waves were magnificent, she had to admit. The power was
, no other word.
    Troy leaned against the wall, his back to the ocean, and waved at her. She waved back. He jumped over the wall and walked a bit farther toward the edge and she felt her stomach clench. There was a sign, for God’s sake! Don’t Go Past This Point! But over the wall he went. He turned toward her and shouted something that she didn’t have a prayer of hearing so she just shook her head. He spread his arms wide and high, as if in victory.
    Probably the award-winning wave of the day came up behind him and her eyes grew as round as plates. Her mouth hung open and she watched in awe as the crest of the enormous wave came down on Troy. She screamed in terror, afraid he’d been washed out to sea. As it receded, there he stood, looking for all the world like a drowned rat. With gunk hanging from one shoulder.
    Grace grabbed her heart in relief. He just stood there. Dripping. He plucked the gunk off his shoulder and began to climb back over the wall.
    After a couple of relieved breaths, once she was sure the fun coach was all right, Grace hugged herself and sank to her knees in hysterical laughter. She could barely see him trudging toward her because her eyes were watering with tears. His jacket and pants were heavy from water, making his movements slow. She wanted to spring into action and tell him she was taking charge, except she couldn’t talk. Instead, she rose slowly to her feet and by the time he reached her, she was upright again. She took his hand and pulled him back up the path toward the Jeep.
    “Oh, my God,” she rasped weakly, still hysterical with laughter. “Oh, Troy!”
    “It’s thirty-eight degrees,” he said, shivering. “Get a grip! Stop laughing!”
    “I’m sorry,” she said, but she couldn’t stop. “I had no idea you could be such a funny fun coach! Get in—I’m driving.”
    “It’s m-m-my new Jeep!”
    “You’re shaking. I’ll drive, crank up the heater and you can start peeling off wet clothes. I don’t suppose you have a blanket in the car?”
    “N-n-no. That was a f-f-freak wave!”
    “There was a sign!” she said. “Did you want to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, too?”
    “Funny. You’re so f-funny.”
    “Oh, God, I wish I’d gotten a picture. Here,” she said, opening the passenger door. “In you g-g-go!” she said, mocking him. Then she doubled over in laughter again.
    By the time she got into the driver’s seat, he had already started the engine. “Take off that jacket and throw it in the back. And that

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