Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)

Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
was shocked at how many things they had in common. When they reached the lake, Aaron steered them towards a huge rock, sat down, and pulled her into his lap.
    “But…” She started and Aaron interrupted.
    “Charlie, I will take every chance I get to have you in my arms. Now, sit here and watch the sunset with me.” He kissed the top of her head and together they watched the sun go down.
    On the walk back, Charlie asked, “Wanna stay for supper. There’s not much, but I’m sure I can whip up something.”
    He smiled and nodded. “I’d love, too.”
    As soon as they reached the cottage, Charlie scoured the refrigerator and the cabinets. “I have two chicken breasts, a jar of Alfredo sauce, some noodles, and the stuff to make a salad. Sound good?”
    “Sounds great. Garlic bread?”
    “I don’t know, check the freezer,” she answered, grabbing a skillet to sauté the chicken.
    Aaron slid in behind her and reached round to lay the garlic bread on the counter, placing a kiss on her cheek before backing away. Charlie took a bowl from the cabinet, handed it to him, and pointed, “The knives are in that drawer. You’ve got salad duty.”
    He chuckled as he washed his hands and proceeded to do as she instructed. Almost three hours later, they’d talked, laughed, and eaten. Aaron had even washed the dishes. He’d answered all her questions without hesitation and had even asked a few of his own. So when he got a faraway look in his eye for just a moment and missed what she said, Charlie felt comfortable enough to ask, “Something wrong?”
    “No, not at all.” He laid his index finger to his temple and said, “Royce was telling me our meeting was in thirty minutes and I’d better not piss Rayne off.” He snickered, letting Charlie know he regularly pissed off his friends.
    Nothing surprising there.
    Standing, he once again held out his hand. She laid hers in his without hesitation. They walked to the front door where he proceeded to kiss her to within an inch of her life before pulling back and looking deep into her eyes. “I’ll be back, Dr. Gallagher , and you better be ready.”
    It wasn’t until she watched him straddle his Harley and ride off into the darkness that her brain reengaged.
    That man is gonna be the death of me…but what a way to go!
    She grinned and locked the door.

    Aaron flew back to the lair, not literally, but definitely figuratively. His Harley roared over hills, took curves like it was on rails, and damn near broke the sound barrier…. and he owed it all to one special woman. It was as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. There’d never been a question that Charlie was attracted to him, especially after their first kiss, but the few stray thoughts he’d been able to pick up from her confirmed she was falling just as hard and fast as he was. Their mating link was growing and as much he’d thought he didn’t want that to happen, he couldn’t be happier.
    A few times during the amazing hours they spent together, Aaron pondered telling Charlie she was his mate, but he was just enjoying their time together too much to start an intense conversation. Not to mention, he’d almost lost his head, as well as other important body parts, when he’d had to throw cold water on their passion. He knew he would have to tell her soon or she would see it as another betrayal…one he didn’t think she would get over. It was a risk he wasn’t willing to take.
    He smiled, thinking about how pissed she’d gotten. Not something most men did when the woman they wanted to spend forever with was trying to murder them, but then Aaron was no ordinary man, and his mate was no ordinary woman. She had an inner fire and a strength that matched his in every way. Whatever doubts he’d had in the past were wiped away after just a few hours with Dr. Charlene Gallagher. She was his…that’s all there was to it.
    Lance’s voice sounded in his head just as he turned

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