Only Pretend

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Book: Only Pretend by Nora Flite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Flite
released me, studied how I cupped my bruised skin. "I'm going to take you out into the main house. You are going to listen to me completely when we leave here. There is no option. If you don't obey the rules, I will not be so forgiving anymore."
    I bit back a bitter laugh. This is him being forgiving? Lifting my chin, I dropped my arms to my sides. "Fine. Tell me the rules so I won't accidentally break them."
    "Accidentally?" Palming his neck, Leonide sighed. "Simple rules for a simple girl." I tightened my jaw at his insult. "You will address me as 'sir' at all times. You will never walk ahead of me. Behind or at my side, as I direct. If I tell you to do something, you will do it instantly. Let me repeat that." Bending close, he pushed my hair behind my ear, causing my heart to bounce. "Instantly. Understood?"
    My tongue worked to moisten my lips. "Yes... sir."
    "Good girl." Blessing me with a grin, he walked to the door. "Don't speak when it isn't needed. A good wife does not chatter endlessly." Leonide paused, spotting how I wasn't following him.
    I waved a hand down my body. "I'm supposed to go out there in just this lingerie? Er, sir?"
    "Yes, that's right."
    "I—but why?"
    "Because," he said, waving me to walk around him. I did so reluctantly, squeaking when he smacked me on the ass as I passed. "I said so. Correct?"
    Because you're a sick and twisted freak! Rubbing my backside, I frowned harshly. "Yes, sir." He seemed satisfied, standing in front of me in the hallway. As instructed, I followed behind him, needing two steps for every one of his. From heels to cuffs, I thought in disgust.
    The house looked lighter than when I saw it last. Is it daytime? I still had no clue on the hour or my location. We walked the upper level, my attention wavering between trailing Leonide while peeking down at the floors below. For such a big home, it seemed so empty. Where are the women who undressed me yesterday?
    He took me down a staircase, my descent slow as I gripped the bannister. Things were bad, but I wasn't ready to break my neck.
    Leonide pulled up short; it was a miracle I didn't slam into him. Opening a door, the scent of something sweet hit me. The rumble of hunger in my stomach was excruciating. "Come along," he said.
    Inside was a kitchen, three women—one of which was the braided girl I recognized—all working on various things on the counters and stove. Wide-eyed, I stared over the bowl of fruit, the dough being rolled, and prayed I wasn't drooling.
    "Looks like you have an appetite. Good." Nodding to one of the woman, he nudged me towards the stove. "Go get two plates ready."
    "I—what? I mean, what, sir?"
    "Two plates," he said, eyebrows rising. "Get me my breakfast, Celeste."
    Too famished to quip, I covered myself and shuffled after the woman with short, black hair and an apron. No one was staring at me, I could have been fully dressed as far as they were concerned. I bet they've seen this before. Glancing back at Leonide, I was revolted. Other girls. He said there had been others.
    She snapped her fingers by my nose. Startled, I blinked, focused on what she was showing me. By the stove, there was a platter of scrambled eggs and a tray of thick, spongy looking pancakes. She spoke to me, not a word of English. "What language is she speaking?" I asked, eyeing the man where he reclined at the dining table.
    "The most beautiful of languages." His grin split his face. "Russian."
    Russian! Of course! I wanted to slap myself. Now I knew what Leonide's accent was, what caused his words to roll through me like molasses. "I don't speak Russian," I said nervously, shaking my head as the woman kept dictating.
    Taking my wrist, she placed a spoon in my hand. Then, she pointed from the food to a stack of dishes. It seemed obvious. Grabbing a plate, I piled it with eggs and pancakes. Now, I was actually salivating. The hole in my belly grew with every whiff of breakfast-foods.
    Carefully, so as not to drop my treasure, I

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