Out of Control

Out of Control by Stephanie Feagan Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Out of Control by Stephanie Feagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Feagan
overwhelmed with grief, frustration
     and righteous fury. Whoever was responsible would be found out, and they’d pay. I
     made a silent promise to Deke that I’d do whatever it took.
    From behind me I heard Cash, his voice cracking. “I didn’t get a good look at the
     guy when he ran out of the mesquites, but Deke must have recognized him. He started
     cussing and took off toward him, yelling that he’d tear the son of a bitch apart.
     He was getting close when the shooter turned around, aimed and fired. Deke…never had
     a chance.” He hunkered down beside me and looked right into my eyes. “Robichaud says
     you saw the shooter on the platform yesterday, that you wondered if he was the one
     responsible, and how he could have known how to blow an offshore. Well, I think he
     knew because he was in the business. That girl who was shot showed me the pictures
     she took of the shooter, and I’m certain he was Parnell. You know, the guy who worked
     with the company for a while, until Sweet caught him—”
    I waved him off. “It makes sense, but how did he get on that platform without anyone
    Cash kept his eyes on me. “The cops will find out for sure, but I’m guessing he took
     a job with Maresco, requested offshore, and there you go. Probably checked it all
     out and planned this for a long time.”
    “Why, Cash? Why would somebody do this?”
    His gaze moved to the enormous fire and he slowly shook his head. “I dunno, but I’d
     guess money. Most terrible things in the world get done because of greed.” He looked
     down at Deke’s face. “There’s some what think a man’s life ain’t worth nothin’ if
     he stands between them and money.”
    The sheriff and two deputies showed up not long after and we spent some time explaining
     what happened. A.J. went ahead and made good on his nauseous look, several times,
     which appeared to disgust the sheriff. He asked A.J. a few questions, then told him
     to go back to his motel room in Iraan, that he’d call if he had any further questions.
     A.J. looked relieved and without another word, or additional hurling, he left.
    Dylan remained in character, insulting and superior, insisting his father would be
     pissed off about the delay in putting out the fire, that he’d sue everyone within
     a hundred mile radius. Blah, blah, blah.
    The sheriff, a tall, skinny guy in a cowboy hat and pointy-toed boots, replied, “Unless
     you wanna spend a few days in jail, you’d best shut your yapper.”
    Dylan stalked away to his SUV with his cell phone to his ear, calling Daddy, I presumed.
    Thirty minutes later, a contingent of feds arrived, including two FBI agents and a
     youngish balding guy from Homeland Security named Tim Fresh.
    Tim was one of those hot and bothered men who get worked into a lather about every
     little thing. He was all about the power trip; the sort of man with that perfect blend
     of egotism and insanity that makes an especially monstrous dictator. This situation
     was big—the fires, the shooter, the possible terrorism angle—and I thought Tim might
     have a heart attack, or an orgasm. Maybe both. He didn’t just annoy me. The man was
     scary. My comfort level for our homeland’s security dropped to somewhere close to
    Things got especially sticky when he demanded Robichaud hand over his weapon, even
     after he’d seen his license. Robichaud refused, it got very heated, and he finally
     told Tim, “Fuck off.”
    Tim got physical then, and I was astounded when he tried to slug Robichaud. Wow. Big
     mistake. In the space of two heartbeats, Tim Fresh was flat on his back, moaning,
     while he held his nose, which spurted blood in copious amounts.
    I turned to one of the FBI men. “Did you guys come out here to gather information
     about the blowouts? Or is watching this tyrant make an ass of himself all you hoped
     to accomplish? Because if that’s the case, I’d say your work is done and you need
     to hit the

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