dropped her calf. “Dunno what you're talkin’ about.”
“You need to be a better liar than that.”
“Not lyin’.”
“It's okay to lie sometimes, Kerick. As long as it's for the right reasons and to the right people. But right now, this is not the right time and I'm not the right person to be lying to.”
He surveys me with a scowl. “I'm not lyin’,” he finally says. “’Sides, Dhevan says not to trust you.”
“What?!” I keep the sudden rise of anger in check and try to smooth out my voice. “That's preposterous.”
“Don't know what that means.” Kerick crosses his arms and looks annoyed.
“It means your soon-to-be brother-in-law is crazy. Absurd. Ridiculous.”
“You callin’ my sister’s Pair crazy?” His fists are by his side, and I have no doubt he’d take a swing at me if he felt the need. He has no sense of proportion when it comes to defending those he loves. I’ve learned this about him.
I’ve also learned that this little kid can be unpredictable. “Look, Kerick. We started off of the wrong foot. I'm just here to say hi, see what you're up to, and if there's anything I can do to help with the,” I look around and lower my voice, leaning down to his level, “you know... the thing .”
“Why are you talkin’ like that?” He looks at me like I'm crazy.
“Because we can't let anyone else know about the thing. ”
“What’s the thing ?”
I lean closer still. “The missing supplies. The tunnels you're working on.” He straightens up and his eyes go a bit wide. “If you're helping, just think how much more I can help. I'm so much bigger.”
He scoots past me. “I'm not too small, I'm just right. Papa told me so.” And he takes off to catch up with his friends.
I let out a sigh. I blew it. I was hoping to get more information than I did out of him. Who am I kidding? I didn't get any information. This is going to require even more stealth and deception. I hadn't given Kerick enough credit.
I turn around to get my bearings when a wave of déjà vu so powerful it gives me nausea, slams into my head. I have to brace myself with a hand against the wall so that it doesn't knock me over. My body is suddenly unbearably hot and sweat starts to dampen my lower back and forehead. I can't hold it back; I get sick all over my shoes and the ground.
The tipping sensation fades and my body cools as suddenly as it heated up. I gulp a few deep breaths of the cool air before straightening up.
I open my eyes, slowly, and look around. It's the same alley, but I'm seeing it differently. I've been here before, in this exact spot, and not just from my time here in Neech. I've been here before . I don't know how to explain the feeling coursing through my veins, but this alley is a part of me, somehow.
The realization comes to me like a view through a parting curtain—all at once but with a slow dawning. This is the alley from my dream. I don't know how it’s possible; I've never been here before now. I don't like this feeling of lost control. Of not knowing or being able to control what's going on inside my own head. I turn to go find Eta when a voice makes me stop.
I hurry through the streets in my best attempt to not be late meeting Journey. When I round the corner, I see my best friend standing with her arms folded over her chest and her foot tapping.
“Late, I know,” I say. “I was busy getting harassed by a couple of Guards. One of them only months old.”
Journey’s eyes widen. “Oh, no! Are you okay?” She starts to inspect me, lifting my arms up and turning me around in a circle.
“I'm fine,” I say, gently shaking her off. “They only wanted someone to harass and I was unlucky enough to be in their line of sight.
“I'm glad you're okay.” She gives me a quick hug. “Now let's go. We need to hurry or we’ll be late. Again.” She grabs my hand and starts to tug me through the streets.